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Barista Gets Fired From New Job On The First Day Because Of Their Coworker


Starting a new job can be challenging. Even if you have a lot of knowledge and experience in the industry, each organization has its own unique way of doing things. It’s like fitting a square peg into a square hole, but sometimes you have to twist it around and flip it before it fits perfectly. It might seem unnecessary and a waste of time, but it’s better to go along with it until you earn their trust. Otherwise, you might end up going through the same process again at another new job.


Even if you do everything right, you could still find yourself facing unexpected difficulties, just like the barista in this story. Most managers appreciate employees who ask questions rather than make mistakes, but there are always some people who expect workers to figure things out on their own without any guidance. The barista shared their experience on Reddit, a popular platform for discussing work-related topics. In an update, they mentioned that one of their new coworkers might have spread false information about them in order to get them fired. It’s a harsh situation to be in. Scroll down below to read the full story in OP’s own words.

OP got a job as a barista and his first workday was very busy with an incompetent coworker. OP was very good at serving high-quality coffee.


via Reddit

OP was good with coffee but not with serving cold drinks, he had to get guidance with no complaining customers. The manager called him at the end of the day telling him he was not ready for work.


via Reddit

Here’s an important update on the dismissal of the job; seems like the coworker was behind it.


via Reddit

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. It is obvious that the manager was being unreasonable and dismissed for no reason while OP is in the right here. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article too.

OP should start looking for a better job.


Another story from a barista.


It happens in a job, you cannot do anything about it instead of looking for better options.


People are emphasizing it was OP’s personality that must have raised concerns.

OP was actually more skilled than this job, he needs to work at a better place.


We should always ask about the training program.

Some people think OP dodged a bullet.



What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do if you were in this situation? Have you ever been fired from a job without any reason? I think OP should have investigated the reason for the dismissal, He could have asked the reason from his manager. You know that your feedback means a lot to us therefore we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section down below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused.


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