Throwing tantrums was the ultimate thing to do while growing up when our hormones got us hitting like bombs. An adolescent is known for being a rebellious brute. Constant debates with the parents over the pettiest things felt like being a part of the daily grind.
Raising a teenager is no easy task and we even as children have the realization. It’s like a test of patience beyond limits. Parents have to deal with a lot, when I say a lot I mean A LOT. It can be a struggle, however, it’s worth it. Later in the years when your teenage kid turns out to be a gorgeous lady or a charming respectful gentleman, you sure are going to be proud of being a tough parent and setting your child on the right path.
Hats off to all the parents out there for dealing with the abrupt teenage outbursts. Slamming the door in the middle of a conversation or post-argument drama is something all teenagers must have done at least once (if not more) in their lives. But like it’s said every reaction has a counterreaction which might sometimes be equal but amplified at others. Here we have stories of parents-teenage duos who went through door slamming encounters and they are just hilarious. These parents being the heroes of the stories backfired the youthful outbursts in the best way possible! Clearly stating that they are done with these door slamming episodes and won’t be taking them anymore.
1. Afterall Karma is a bitc*
Good luck with that, girl! Hope the door has not to be taken off so that you too get to experience ‘no door days’ trust me they are BAD.
2. No door, no slamming
When I was 13, I slammed my door so my parents took it off the hinges and said I could have it back when I proved I deserved one. © TheOtherOncomingStorm / Imgur
3. My sister slammed her door, but we had to wait for our dad to come home and help, so I pushed a straw through the keyhole when she got thirsty. © Automatvapen / Imgur
4. Closing all doors that could have been slammed
I slammed a door once. I’m not allowed to talk about what happened after. © viper1483 / Imgur
5. Some lessons are learned the hard ways
My parents took my doorknob off to “teach me a lesson.” © MischiefManagedd / Imgur
6. None of the doors in any of the places I’ve lived have closed properly because of my siblings and parents busting up the doors. © Harmonex / Imgur
7. Another no door horror story
8. That hurts differently
My parents did that to my older brother. When he moved out at 19 he still hadn’t gotten his door back. © FrenchRooster / Imgur
9. My mom made me open and close it again until I learned to do it the right way. © Legendariel / Imgur
10. I’m 22 and still have no doorknob… © ResidentBlackGirl / Imgur
11. They be like ” you asked for it “
When I was 14, I locked myself into my room with the key so they wouldn’t bother me. My parents removed the door. © sub7rat a / Imgur
12. I told my 13-year-old daughter that if she slammed her door once more, I’d take it off its hinges. She did. I did. © Rodeodoc / Imgur
13. Smart kid
14. I had no door for 2 years, and it was returned without a handle! © DingoesAteMyBabyGroupie / Imgur
15. Nothing beats a satisfying door slam…until your mom takes it off its hinges. © LoftyLawnChair / Reddit
16. Considerate Dad
My dad put foam along the edge of the door jam. So whenever I slammed it, it went “wiiffff, click.” © SimpleDan11 / Reddit
17. My mom wouldn’t take away the door when I slammed it. She would just stand there and supervise as I opened and closed the door in a quiet and respectful manner about 50 times. It didn’t take me long to stop slamming the door. © HolyzombieBatman / Reddit
18. We took our teen daughter’s door, then eventually, her room. She did not enjoy sleeping in the den, which was a “free area” for everyone to use — and also had no door. Taking the door pissed her off, but taking the room elicited a change in her displayed attitude. © themaryann / Reddit
19. Because she rather got rid of the door
20. What growing up feels like
I slammed the door so hard that the wood around the hinges shattered and my parents said, “Well, now you don’t have a door.” I had to actually pick it up and move it to “close” my door. I taught myself a lesson there. © User / Reddit.
21. You earn it!
A door is a privilege, not a right. © lilbluehair / Reddit
22. When my daughter was about 8 or 9, she would get upset over something and slam her door and lock herself in her bedroom and try to ignore her mother and me. I countered by turning the lock around so that the locking part faced the hall. Sure enough, she got mad one day, dashed into her room and locked herself in. “Leave me alone!” quickly changed to “Let me out!” © DistantKarma / Reddit
23. In our house, the rule was, “Use it right or lose it.” Door slammed? Off the hinges for a week. Lied? We believe nothing that comes out of your mouth for a week and seek reliable sources for all statements. We had to get creative sometimes, but the challenge made it interesting. They are amazing adults now, though we take no credit. It’s all them. © Versailles / Reddit
24. What a sweet-sixteen gift that is!
My son spent the age of 14 to 16 with no door to his room due to slamming it one too many times. Getting his door back was one of his sixteenth birthday presents. He just turned 17 and has gone a whole year with no slamming. Either lesson learned or phase passed — either way, I win! © MsAlign / Reddit
Well, these were some of the best and funniest door-slamming stories I have heard. Moms and dads played a pro move and those teenage monsters finally learned the lessons or else they had a door to lose. A win-win situation for the parents.
What’s your anger-satisfying door slam story? Let’s share and laugh a bit!