Sometimes, employees put in extra effort hoping to secure a promotion, but unfortunately, their superiors may not recognize their efforts. A Reddit user, u/Lemonslothcake, shared a story on the ‘Malicious Compliance’ subreddit about how her boss denied her a higher position despite meeting all set goals. The boss argued that doing extra work didn’t warrant a promotion, leading the employee to stop doing additional tasks. This didn’t sit well with the boss, but the employee was within her rights to refuse extra tasks.
In an interview u/Lemonslothcake, she kindly answered some questions about her experience. In her response, she revealed that the boss’s refusal to promote her wasn’t the only issue. She had also been carrying out tasks outside of her job description, but her boss would not recognize her efforts. The situation only changed when her co-workers began to question the workload she was carrying.
The incident raised questions about the value of going above and beyond in the workplace. While some bosses may appreciate the extra work, others may not. It’s important for employees to understand their job roles and responsibilities and not take on extra work without recognition. The story also highlights the importance of open communication between employees and their bosses to avoid misunderstandings and promote a healthy work environment.
In conclusion, u/Lemonslothcake’s story is a reminder that doing extra work doesn’t always lead to promotions or recognition. It’s important for employees to understand their job roles and responsibilities and communicate effectively with their bosses to avoid misunderstandings. Keep on scrolling down to read the full story and we will see you at the end of the article.
1. OP was working as a marketing executive
2. As time went on OP started taking more and more responsibilities to the point that she was doing more work than the senior member of her team
3. OP wanted to get to a senior position so she talked to her manager
4. OP started to design everything by herself instead of using the design agency
5. So OP set another meeting with her manager to discuss promotion and her response was not good
6. OP sat there still shocked
7. So OP stopped doing anything outside her job description, which included all the design work.
8. When OP told her team that she won’t be designing anymore all of them were happy to use the expensive design agency lol
9. CEO yelled at the manager in front of the directors
10. The manager tried to give OP an official warning for sabotaging the team, but talking to HR cleared that away.
11. Eventually the manager asked OP what it would take to get OP to continue working like she used to OP mentioned the job title and salary and the manager accepted
12. OP was worried about her being hostile but it all worked out
13. Manager told OP that even if you do a good job that does not mean that you deserve one
14. She indeed was toxic
15. Couldn’t agree more
16. For real, at least OP finally reached a better place after being led that way
17. Technically everyone has a manager
18. We all think “What can I do to get promoted”.
19. Exactly keep your people happy and they will produce good results
20. This Redditor shares his story in the comments
21. This Redditor tells us that he went through something similar
22. This Redditor tells us how she boosted her pay by 50% overnight
23. Exactly do not let a job become your life!
24. It never comes with a *good* form of reward
25. Only of them was right, for real lol.
This was it, folks, this was the story we think that OP did the right thing by stopping doing things she was doing out of her job description. Let us know what you think about it down below in the comment section and make sure to like and share this article with your friends and family and stay tuned for more content like this with Defused. Thank You!
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