
Boss Wants 100% Accuracy At Work, Employee Maliciously Complies, Boss Regrets Immediately

Some employees have a quick turnaround time and they prove to be productive. Such employees deserve to be appreciated by their bosses.

Definitely, employees who are productive and have a quick turnaround time should be appreciated by their bosses but that does not happen in reality. Bosses take them lightly and forget to appreciate their efforts. Such was the case with a Redittor who has always been a high-performing employee. OP works as a welder and gets 10 parts done in a shift with 120” of the weld while the other guy only gets two parts done in a day with 24” of the weld. One day, his boss came and offered the other guy to work on Saturday but didn’t offer OP to work on Saturday.

OP asked his boss if he needs his help but he told him that he should pass his UTs 100%. OP only gets one failure in 120” of weld. On the next day, OP only did two parts a day and his passing rate was 100%. OP’s boss came to him and asked why his productivity has decreased. OP told him that he was working on his passing rate. From that day, OP started getting Saturday work. Scroll down for the complete story.

OP used to work in a metal fabrication shop and they were repairing a bunch of parts.

There was some work that the robot couldn’t do so they had to do it by hand:

OP was getting 10 parts done while the other guy was getting two parts done:

One day the Foreman asked the other guy to work on Saturday:

OP asked the foreman if he wanted his help but he refused:

OP pointed out that he passes about 99% of the time and does 5 times more work.

The foreman told OP that it does not matter because he is still failing:

On coming Monday, OP only completed 2 parts a day and got 100% passing rate.

Foreman inquired why OP’s productivity decreased so dramatically. OP told him that he was working on his passing rate only.

Bosses are the ones who create a positive or a negative work environment. If they would start under-appreciating their employees and would give incentives to those who are not even productive, other employees would get demotivated and would stop working. In this case, the boss’ realization of his mistake and willingness to change his approach shows that it’s never too late to change course and create a more positive and productive work environment.

OP started getting Saturday work after that day.

The foreman is the boss.

Someone has a better plan:

It’s painful for OP to work slow. He loves working faster.

The other guy would have more mistakes if he did the 120″ of weld a day:

How is your work environment? Is it positive or toxic? Do you get appreciated at work? Share your opinion in the comment section down below.

Here is an adorable dog tax:

“He saw a squirrel up in the tree”


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