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Cancer Patient Gets Revenge When Her Supervisor Forces Her To Turn The Camera On

Everyone should be treated with respect.

I think a lot of people forget to treat younger people with respect. I understand that some teenagers act like they know everything and can be quite disrespectful towards others but that is a very small number. And just because someone is younger doesn’t automatically invalidate what they are saying. And yet a lot of the older generation completely ignore the advice of younger people. I am well aware that with age comes experience but that doesn’t mean everything you think is correct.

It is okay to be wrong sometimes and it is always better to be open to learning new things no matter how old you get. Because if you think you already know everything then you close yourself off to new experiences. This seems like a simple act but so many people fail to comprehend and do stuff like what happened in this particular story. We have all had to deal with horrible bosses but it is even worse when you are young and it is your first job. That just means that sometimes your boss will take advantage of your inexperience and treat you like a lesser human being.

Well, that is not something that you should ever take. And that is exactly what this person did. So scroll below to read the story for yourself.

Source: Reddit

The title seems almost unbelievable but this story is going to be a wild ride.


The story starts off with some background information that we need to know beforehand.


It has only just started and I already don’t like the supervisor at all.


She has tried again and again to get her voice heard but the supervisor ignores her.


She even messaged the supervisor relaying her excuse for why she couldn’t turn on the camera.


But the supervisor simply ignores it and forces her to turn the camera on.


She played up her past exceptionally well to make the supervisor feel guilty.

The Dean quickly realized what was happening and gave her the exception.


She then went to to clarify some extra things for the Reddit commenters as well.

It wasn’t as if this was a mistake either. I mean she had warned the person so it wasn’t as if it came out of nowhere. it is their fault that they decided to force her to turn the camera on even though she had messaged them again and again. It is clear that the supervisor just wanted her to look bad in front of the Dean but simply made it worse for herself. I am just glad that they decided to change their practices and the supervisor got in trouble. However, They did not apologize even at the end.

People in the comments were obviously 100% on her side.


And most if not all of them wanted an update.

To be fair, I want to know what happened afterward as well.


I have no idea if she simply logged off or told anyone.

The supervisor just wants things done her way.


But we luckily got an update on what happened with the supervisor soon afterward.

It did come a bit late but it was because she was understandably busy with other things.


Simply put, the supervisor was fired and she deserved it.

It took them a little time to get back to her but they did.


They listened to what she had to say with a lawyer present.

It is sad that it took them this long to understand where the students were coming from but better late than never.


They have even employed the tactics she had first asked them to.

She was also able to point out the things that were wrong with the program.


And that everyone should be treated with respect, not only her.

At the end of the day, she got her revenge and I am happy for her.


People had a few things to say about the absence of an apology as well.

Most prefer actions over apologies anyway so it was fine.


And it was clear that they didn’t want to get into legal problems.

At least they listened and changed some things.


What are your thoughts on this story? has something similar ever happened to you? If so, what did you do afterward? Did you get even or did you simply leave the position? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in the discussion as well.


What do you think?