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Employee Chooses To Be A Bit Too Honest With Her Manager In Front Of Her Boss

Employee truth manager

Employees in today’s modern era are much more aware now. They realize what they bring on board, realize their value, and fully understand if they are being overworked or underworked. And this allows them to fight for their rights, ask for promotions and back their requests with solid facts and information. When bad managers try to exploit such employees, they face nothing but a dose of truth and bitter reality.


That is exactly what happened in today’s story. Reddit user u/TAbademployee is a stay-at-home mother who decided to do a job at a grocery store to get rid of her boredom. She showed great performance and very quickly got herself a full-time status. The grocery store, however, was understaffed so the employees hired had to do the work of at least 3 workers. OP did the same but her manager wanted her to do more. In fact, she accused OP of underperforming and not helping out in other departments.

For this, the manager one day called OP to her office, with the boss also sitting there, to sign a document that would declare her behavior at the store unacceptable. OP simply refused to sign the paper and gave her manager a dose of solid truth right in front of her boss. OP left the room saying it won’t be hard for them to find a new job but it would be really hard for them to hire a replacement.

They didn’t fire her. Scroll down below to read the story!

1. As far as I know, honesty is the best policy…But let’s see.


Via u/TAbademployee

2. The daily joy sort of declines when they all, eventually, leave and get independent.


Via u/TAbademployee

3. OP got bored so she applied for a job at a grocery store.


Via u/TAbademployee

4. It’s nice to know OP is working with heart and quickly got moved to full-time from part-time.


Via u/TAbademployee

5. OP got called by the manager and told she is not working hard enough…And this conversation took place in front of the boss.


Via u/TAbademployee

6. This sounds like a trap to overwork an already overworked OP.


Via u/TAbademployee

7. OP simply told the manager she knows very well the store is understaffed so they can go ahead and fire her and hire a replacement for $10,000. She refused to sign the paper.

Via u/TAbademployee

This is so freaking out of order. First of all, why would they accuse OP for not doing other departments’ work? Like, it is not her job, they should be squeezing workers placed in those departments for not doing their work. Secondly, OP is already doing the work of 3 workers, the manager said it. What else is required of her? They want to force OP to sign the paper so they can bind her to overwork herself. And what benefit would that achieve? An exhausted employee ultimately leaves. And it will cost the store a lot to hire OP’s replacement. The manager is only making it worse for the grocery store.

Let’s see what happened next. Scroll down below to continue reading.

8. OP just gave a dose of honesty to her manager right in front of the boss.


Via u/TAbademployee

9. They didn’t fire OP but some coworkers of hers called her an AH for doing what she did, saying that the management should be given a break as they are struggling.

Via u/TAbademployee

Here’s what the AITA community members had to say and why:

10. Exactly! That document was morally incorrect.


Via Nina_Innsted

11. Employers know they cannot misuse their employees anymore. They still take a chance, though.

Via Fastr77

12. OP simply told them they hired her for her services, they did not own her.


Via -DementedAvenger-

13. There is absolutely no fault in that. No one can make anyone do anything that they do not want to do.

Via caw81

14. Their headache, they should deal with it.


Via No-Policy-4095

15. I wish one day this manager understands what this Redditor said.

Via ggfangirl85

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via momojojo121

Dog tax.

“This is Robert. He does this every time he realizes his walk is over.”


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