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Property Owner Shuts Down Access To Their Property And Lakefront


OP recently bought a lakefront property with a beach and dock. Neighbors used to access the water through OP’s land. OP put up a fence to stop it, but neighbors got upset. OP asked if they’re wrong for closing off access.


OP’s situation involves setting boundaries on their private property. They purchased this land, and it’s within their rights to control access. However, the neighbors seem to have a history of using this area as a community space. While OP has the legal right to restrict access, they might consider finding a compromise to maintain a positive relationship with their neighbors. Balancing personal boundaries and community expectations can be challenging. Ultimately, it’s a matter of communication and understanding among neighbors.

Scroll down to read the full story if you think it is interesting.

OP bought a property with lake access. Neighbors used to cut through OP’s land to reach the water. OP tried to stop this, but neighbors were unhappy. OP wonders if they’re wrong.


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Neighbors historically used OP’s property for lake access. OP moved in, found people trespassing, and tried to stop it, causing tension. OP wonders if they’re wrong for securing their land.


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Initially, people trespassed, thinking the property was vacant. OP tried to make it clear they lived there but had to be more direct in telling people not to trespass.


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OP’s direct approach, signs, and fence didn’t deter people from trespassing. They even saw the dogs as a threat.


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Neighbors viewed OP’s fence and dogs as aggressive. One neighbor even yelled when the dogs barked at her kids near the lake. They considered OP’s property a shared entrance.


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Other neighbors confirmed that the other neighbor was telling the truth.


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OP restricts lake access, causing conflict with neighbors who used it for years. OP feels it’s their right, but questions unspoken rules.

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OP clarifies they aren’t seeking legal advice, asserting their right to close off the property. The neighbors misunderstood the dogs’ presence.


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OP explains there are public parks with boat launches nearby, making their lot closure less inconvenient. It’s a brief but important clarification.

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OP is planning a comprehensive solution to address access issues.


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OP said he would provide more details later, appreciating the community’s feedback.

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OP is addressing the waterfront access issue by working on a plan to balance privacy and safety for all, considering landscaping options. Grateful for the helpful advice.


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OP is addressing the waterfront access issue by working on a plan to balance privacy and safety for all, considering landscaping options. Grateful for the helpful advice.

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Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article, too.

Most people summarize this as NTA.


People should know the difference between public and private property.

The neighbors are not entitled to the property.


These people need to be dealt seriously with.

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? You know that your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

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“Please reply with silly photos of you cats, im feeling a bit sad today and could use a serotonin boost.”

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