Experience helps a lot more than you think.
Once you are at that top level of understanding. With all that experience, and the knowledge that comes from learning even the tiniest of details don’t go unnoticed. All of this requires specialization in the specific area you want to gain experience in. And for specialization you require repeatability. The same is the case if you talk about pet animals as well. Let’s say you have adopted a cute kitty cat or an adorable doggo or any other animal that you love, you cannot possibly go on and say that you are the best pet owner ever on the very day you adopted that animal. There’s a lot to know about your animal. Like a lot. For instance, when a dog wags its tail, it does not always mean it wants hugs. It could also mean that they are nervous. To know what they are feeling you then have to observe their facial expressions, the way they are moving. It’s a proper science to understand these animals. And with time, patience, and investing your heart in, you slowly gain the experience and develop a connection with your pet. All of this helps you understand things about them you couldn’t possibly imagine before. It helps you understand situations about your pet animals. Situations that other people may not understand. That is why experience is so important. For us and our pet animal. We need to make sure that they spend the best life ever and for that, we have to be responsible and discover more and more about them every day.
Today we’ve got some posts of pet cats and dogs in interesting situations that only knowledgeable and experienced pet owners can understand. And you know what the fun part is? The majority of us are here for the fun of it, but if we’ve got an experienced pet owner watching this right now, they’d surely be smirking because they know all about it.
Scroll down below to enjoy.
1. “The fight for the couch is on.”
Via WWWzik
2. “Cat owners can understand. This is the only way I can drink milk.”
Via cainvsabel
3. “Cold mouse hand? Get a cat.”
4. “The first people who appear on the streets on January 1 are dog owners.”
Via Banzay115
5. Criminal dogs 101.
6. “Something tells me I’m not the only cat owner encountering this issue.”
Via xkxtx
7. “My cat has strategically chewed a hole for his head in his favorite cardboard box.”
Via kylastingrae
8. Doggo sleeps where doggo wants to sleep. End of story.
Via TheRus
9. “My husband captured this photo of my dog and me. It perfectly describes the partnership I’ve built with her!”
Via tempura_tantrum
10. “Only cat owners know the pain.”
Via Unknown user
11. Cats always bite on more than they can chew.
12. “When you have a dog.”
Via BpleasantG
13. “He never looks amused.”
A tiny interval just to see how much do you guys like this informative lesson on pet cats and dogs. I can bet any dog or cat owner reading this post right now can fully relate to everything they have observed so far. It’s not easy to be an owner. It requires a lot of patience to ignore the fact that your cat just chewed off a cardboard box that you may have needed, just to fit its head through it. So adorable!
Scroll down below for some more goodies!
14. What cat owners have to deal with on a daily basis.
15. “It’s hard to work in such conditions. One cat is about to fall off my knees and the other one is trying to get on my lap.”
16. “When you’re trying to take a photo with a dog.”
Via annaryabbi
17. “4 dogs, 1 bed – There are more than enough beds, blankets, and cozy sleep spots on the couches around here for everyone, but they insist on piling onto one bed.”
Via Trickytreat202
18. “OMG, you got trapped in the water spray box again?! Are you okay?!”
Via Unknown user
19. Highly relatable for all the cat owners out there.
20. “He is obviously trying to become a master of disguise.”
Via rslnspc
21. So all I need to make friends is get a dog. I don’t think I would need more friends if I get a dog.
22. “The ‘perks’ of playing with my cat when he’s in scratch/bite mode.”
Via netinh0
23. “When it’s time to visit the wet.” Now you know why your cat fits itself into the sink on ‘that’ day.
Via Unknown user
24. You grow by learning.
25. “Who needs a blanket when you have a dog?”
Via DanielHillSKW
26. “Can anyone help me figure out what type of plant this is?”
Via no_one_special-
And we are done. That cat in a pot was purposely put at the end to make sure the whole read ends with a smile on your face. Did we manage to achieve that? And how did you like this? Feel free to share anything you like in the comments section down below.