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Oliver The Cat Got A Haircut And Became A Slinky Instead, Hilarity Ensued

All of us have had bad and cringy hairstyles in the past.

We all have a love-hate relationship with our hairdressers. Sometimes they make us look great and sometimes we just have to thank them with a fake smile and go home and cry about how hideous our hair looks. Life just is that way. Who said it was any different for cats? Even cats need to get haircuts. That is not because they need to look fresh and trendy, but it helps to keep their but from being matted and having knots. Sometimes they do get amazing haircuts, and sometimes they end up looking like this poor boy named Oliver whose dad sent him to an appointment for a haircut and ended up looking like a slinky instead. You will have an idea of what I’m saying after you view the pictures below. Never let your cats get a haircut unsupervised! Always stay with the groomer to avoid any tragedies like this happening!

Caitlin shared a screenshot of her family’s group chat where they were talking about his cat, Oliver.



As you can see, Caitlin’s mom was not very happy with the situation.

They had waited for this appointment for two months, Caitlin’s dad took Oliver there and this is what he ended up looking like.



These are some of the pictures Caitlin’s mother shared of Oliver.



Just look at his eyes, he is asking for help to hide him from this shame! Don’t worry Oliver. We still love you the same.



Caitlin texted her father to find out what happened and he explained that it was part of a joke. It was probably not very funny for Oliver.




What was his dad even trying to achieve? Was this supposed to be a dinosaur look? I just do not get it.



Here is a before and after picture of Oliver. They really did the boy wrong.


How do you even cut their fur in spirals like this? Never leave your cat alone with your dad, especially for a grooming appointment.


People on Twitter lost it when they saw the photos.

The photoshop master eventually chipped in.


The resemblance is uncanny.

Now this one I can completely agree with. Oliver is a potato on a stick.


And here is a cat-dinosaur with a mohawk.

They even compared him to Tom from Tom and Jerry.


We don’t get it either.

Do you think they did Oliver dirty or was it just a plain old harmless joke? Do you think Oliver is happy with his fresh new cut? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.


What do you think?