Pregnancy is a very difficult process to go through.
We all know how hard parenting is but before parenting comes an even tough, aggressive period for a woman to go through; pregnancy. Pregnancy is a 9 month period that begins after a couple makes a baby through intercourse. Over the course of these 9 months, a baby develops within the womb of the mother and is delivered once all the processes inside and out are complete. The woman and her husband then finally have a baby. Pregnancy works the same way for animals as well for example cats, dogs, etc. Some, who are also referred so pregnant, lay eggs instead of pushing out a baby. Those eggs then hatch after a specific waiting period, and the baby comes out. This happens in the case of chickens, birds, crocodiles, etc.
The reason why pregnancy is not an easy process is that it meddles with your hormones which has a direct impact on your mood. A pregnant being has a lot of mood swings where in one moment they could be and in the other, they could be crying. And then there’s the whole weight-gaining thing that goes on as the female goes deeper into pregnancy. That completely changes the way you walk, sit, and do stuff. So definitely, a major impact. Now let’s put a cat into this situation.
Imagine a cat getting pregnant. Cats already have like a thousand mood swings per day in normal conditions. Can you imagine the increase in the frequency of those mood swings when a cat gets pregnant? And according to a lot of cat owners, pregnant cats complain a lot about the future. They feel like it will be a disaster to live with the babies that are about to come and starts to regret every single decision that was made reaching up to it being pregnant.
There’s a lot that goes through pregnancy for cats. There are a lot of truths, facts, and information we don’t know about. But not anymore. Today we will be learning some truths, we were unaware of, about pregnancy. And these truths will be showered upon us by none other than cats themselves.
Pull your socks up and scroll down below to enjoy some pregnancy truths by cats.
1. Here I am reflecting and crying over the bad decision I made that night that resulted in the production of some babies inside me. I wish there was an undo button because I am in a far better position to make good decisions.
2. Listen to me, mate. I don’t want you to get offended but I must maintain distance from everyone until these kittens come out of me.
3. I am stuck in the bathroom for a major part of my day. The babies movies, I vomit, they stop, I vomit, and repeat.
4. Get pregnant they said, it will be the best feeling in the world they said. No one told me the best feeling comes after the baby is out, not when it is inside. Liars!
5. I eat a lot of food now because we are two in the body of one. But my parents still restock after a month. They are not cooperative at all.
Oh wow. A cat’s pregnancy really is harder than a woman’s. What I have noticed the most is they instantly regret the decision but it is too late. Maybe that is why we often see mothers leave their babies after giving them birth. Who knows.
Let’s go through some more truths about cat pregnancy. Scroll down to continue.
6. Oh dear, this weight is out of my control now. I cannot even get up without support. When will this all be over, come out you little brats?
7. When you suddenly start seeing your favorite foods more often as you get pregnant, but can’t eat any of it because it is bad for the kittens. Life really does take you to the edge during pregnancy.
8. You guys see my eyes? These are the eyes of an exhausted pregnant mother. Pray that I get through this for I have no energy left to continue.
9. Don’t even try getting near me. In fact, don’t even think about it.
10. My tiredness has reached a level that I can see beyond materialistic things. I can observe the whole multiverse.
I hope you guys enjoyed these pregnancy truths narrated by cats. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.
Stay tuned for more cat goodness!