If you think you are the man of the house, you are dead wrong.
You are not your cat’s master, it is the other way around. People have forgotten the fact that cats were considered gods at one point in life. I guess they still think they are gods because their behaviour definitely supports that theory. They do what they want, whenever they want and nothing you can do or say will stop them. They are the bosses of their own lives and you can not control them. Cats can cause chaos in the house and face no consequences.
However, cats seem to forget that we need to make a living to keep them in our house too. We need money so we can feed them and shelter them. But they don’t really care about that either. They want attention and they also want you to do everything in your power for them. Cats are weird, but we love them. Scroll down below to see 17 cats that will not let you work:
1. Do you see the cat hair?
2. Perfect place to nap.
3. Can you not see I’m in a meeting?
4. This is my property.
5. That is how a pianist is born.
6. We’re in this together.
7. Sunbathing at peace.
8. My hand.
9. Working as a team.
Cats have such a peaceful and chaotic energy, it really does not make sense. They are amazing beings and every house needs a cat. Go and adopt one. NOW. Scroll down below for the rest of them:
10. I sleep like this and ask why I have back problems.
11. He knows what he is doing.
12. I will compromise with the basket.
13. The best kind of sleep is on a laptop.
14. Blep.
15. He looks so innocent.
16. He matches the laptop.
17. Such a peaceful and sleepy cat.
Do your cats do the same when you are working? Is it something all cats do? Share your thoughts with the comments below.