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20 Evil Cats That Terrorized Dogs Double Their Size

There are a variety of dogs out there and they come in all sizes. From tiny, small to big and huge. You would get the doggy goodness in all sizes. However, when it comes to cats, they are rarely seen to outgrow their normal size. Although big cats do exist, like lions, tigers and cheetahs, but when it comes to domestic cats, they usually have a fixed size they can grow up to. I mean, of course, we have Chonky cats, but that’s something else. Normally, you won’t see a fully grown adult cat the size of an adult dog.

But no matter the size, cats have big personalities and don’t feel any need to suppress their wild sides. Even if they are domesticated, they would still put their boss foot forward. Whether it’s us humans or other animals like dogs, we all tend to underestimate cats and their abilities of slitting other’s throats. They take sh*t from no one and neither do they let anyone ever step over them. Although they make a meowing sound, but they don’t hesitate in turning it into a roar when needed. This terrorizing and intimidating personality of cats completely scares dogs to the core. This may sound absurd, but it is a reality that dogs are low-key scared of cats and we have proof. Here are 21 photos of cats that terrorized dogs double their size. Scroll down and enjoy.

“Back off dog! I am getting photographed.”


Can’t more forward. Danger ahead!


“Guess I’ll sleep in the tiny bed tonight…”


Cat did it again.


The kitty squad attacks.


Another one bites the dust.


Dog, you’re under the cat’s watch.

Just a cat trying to unmask an impostor.


Trying to mess with a cat? Well, know that it bites back. Cats have needle-like sharp teeth that exist to aid them in hunting their prey and eating meat. They are extremely pointy and sharp. One of the most common methods of cats fighting back or taking a revenge is biting their opponent with their sharp gifted teeth. However, these needles are just four in number, two on the upper jaw and two on the lower jaw. The rest of their teeth are super tiny and look absolutely adorable and harmless.

A little terrorist photobombed the photo.

Guess who’s sleeping on the dog bed tonight? Yes, the cat.


A rare sight of a cat strangling a dog.

“Okay, I’m going back down. Please don’t hurt me.”


The cat doesn’t meow… It roars.

“Nope, I’m not going this way anymore.”


The cat just put the dog in time-out.

Hello from the other side!


“Nooo, not again!”

Cat: “You better mind your own business.”

Dog: “Yes ma’am!”


“She is scarier than you think.You better run for your life.”

“Hmm… I’ll sleep here.”


This is Hilarious! Tiny kittens scared the big dog away.

Never thought dogs could be this scared of cats. Especially, the tiny ones. Guess when it comes to a cat the size doesn’t matter. They are always extremely scary and dominating. Do you have a duo of cats and dogs? More importantly, is your dog scared of your cat? Let us know in the comments below.


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