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17 Pictures That Prove Cats Really Come From Another Planet

Cats are fun to have they make sure that you don’t have a boring day. They will keep doing crazy shit and keeping an eye on them gives you unlimited entertainment. Having a cat is like having an entertainment subscription. Keeping this into consideration, we have collected 15 plus images for you guys to see that cats prove that their logic is beyond understanding and they are super hilarious.

1. The owner was remodeling his basement and all the ceiling tiles were removed. Guess who’s guilty?

15+ Photos That Prove Cats Really Come From Another Planet

2. I did not like this Christmas Tree. HEHE

15+ Photos That Prove Cats Really Come From Another Planet

3. The owner got a new lamp and guess what? I broke it.

15+ Photos That Prove Cats Really Come From Another Planet

4. This is my lucky sock and it helps me monitoring the birds.

15+ Photos That Prove Cats Really Come From Another Planet

5. Owner bought a new house, and this is the favorite spot of his cat.

15+ Photos That Prove Cats Really Come From Another Planet

6. I wasn’t even there eating food.

15+ Photos That Prove Cats Really Come From Another Planet

7. “This is how he fell asleep.”

8. “My boss caught a hungry stray. Dude has made it his full-time job to try to adopt me.”

15+ Photos That Prove Cats Really Come From Another Planet

9. I don’t wanna see your face.

10. Such a greeting cat.

15+ Photos That Prove Cats Really Come From Another Planet

11. This cat is going to eat his owner alive.

12. It is better to face the wall rather than watching your stupid games.

15+ Photos That Prove Cats Really Come From Another Planet

13. “This is what happens when she doesn’t let her sit in her lap.

14. This is my place and no one can take it from me, therefore I am trynna occupy it fully.

15+ Photos That Prove Cats Really Come From Another Planet

15. I am cat. Yes. Do I know how to sit like humans? Yes

16. Flexibility 101

15+ Photos That Prove Cats Really Come From Another Planet

17. This cat steals bottle caps.

15+ Photos That Prove Cats Really Come From Another Planet
Well did you understand their logic or what were they even trying to do? No? That’s right I did not even get it.
Let us know about your thoughts in the comment section below.

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