If you want a vegan pet, just get a rabbit.
Dogs are NOT meant to be vegan. According to scientific research, they need proper proteins to have a balanced diet. Cats and dogs can not survive on just a vegetarian diet. It affects their health. While you may not see them get sick all of a sudden when you switch their diet, they will get seriously ill after a certain time period. You are basically malnourishing them.
People who give their dogs vegan meals are extremely ignorant. Especially this woman who posted a photo of her labrador who is about to eat his vegan meal. She got a lot of backlash from people but one veterinarian decided to just end the debate with logic and facts. Read it down below:
Via Tumblr

This is what the meal consists of.

The dog is not excited, that’s for sure.

However, some people did not agree with the veterinarian.

He proved his point by comparing dogs to wolves.

He wrote down a list of problems that cats and dogs could have if they don’t get enough natural protein.

You are making assumptions to fit your own needs. Your dog does not look healthy and here is a list of reasons why:

Cats can actually go blind if they are not fed enough protein, or to be specific, taurine.

Labradors can’t even hold themselves together when it’s time for dinner. This one just looks disappointed.

People need to know all this!

Stop forcing your lifestyles on your pets. You are not the same species.

Please do proper research before implementing something on your pets.

This is how people responded to the post:

I feel bad for the dog.

What are your opinions on this? Let us know in the comments below.
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