Cats can make mistakes too. They can act impulsively and make the wrong decisions just like us humans. Cats aren’t always high and mighty. Sometimes, they can be silly and stupid. The whole “bad guy” mask comes off and you can see them as the goofy little creatures they are.
Yes, cats are known to be “majestic” and “beautiful.” Which, no doubt, they are. They are adorable animals that deserve all our love, care, and attention. But their little fu*k ups can ruin that image. Here are 10+ cats who instantly regretted their wrong decisions:
1. Regretting this already.

2. Let’s hope this floats.

3. It’s raining!

4. A little help here, guys?

5. She was thirsty!

6. Boop!

7. Just casually hanging from the door.

8. Getting to the bottom of it.

9. Hello there.

10. Hide and seek.

11. Nope.

12. Hang in there.

13. Ninja cat!

These are the cutest little “nopes” ever. Curiosity definitely killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. They might have regretted their decisions, but they gave us a good laugh in the process. Let’s just hope cats keep acting the way cats do and keep entertaining us.
14. Let me in!

15. Casually hanging.

16. I regret this.

17. Can you pass through?

18. She’s got some pipes!

19. I just wanted to go out.

20. Playing pool.

21. That’s flour, right?

22. You shall not pass.

23. Magic carpet.

24. Aww. Look at its face!

25. Cats love boxes.

What did you think of these? Let us know in the comments below.
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