These are so much better than the infamous life hacks.
I presume we have all seen the youtube videos about life hacks that nobody ever implements in real life because they are stupid. Not that may lead you to think that there is no such thing as a life hack but that is where you’d be wrong. Because the following images will prove you wrong.
As it turns out all you need to make your life a lot easier is a tiny bit of creativity and a whole lot of confidence. So if you are here to learn from the best of the best and implement some life hacks in your journey towards self-discovery. You have come to the right place.
#1 If only I had known this before traveling anywhere.

#2 I need to go buy sausages right now!

#3 I don’t think I’d be able to pull this off, I’d be too scared.

#4 If you don’t have a pan, this works just as well.

#5 This guy is saving everyone’s relationships.

#6 You’ll probably get more little brothers soon enough.

#7 Shut up and take my money!

#8 It’s all very sweet until you guys break up and you end up in debt.

#9 Who needs a security camera when you have a spoon?

#10 I might need to hire this service sometimes soon.

#11 That is very smart but why?

It will only be useful if you don’t have a coin and everybody has coins in their pockets. It’s not like the cart doesn’t give you your money back.
#12 The easiest way to get home after buying a lot of groceries.

#13 Or he was just warm and wanted cold air.

#14 Wine drinkers can use a wineglass and get the same result.

#15 What if the thief is a girl?

#16 Helping people while also helping yourself.

“For $250 an hour, I will pose as a couples therapist and convince your loved one they are wrong about everything.”
#17 Protection from theft.

I have no idea whether this picture is showing me a rusted van being covered in black skin, or a black van being covered in rusted skin, which only goes to show what an effective ruse this truly is. With this, you can get your pristine van to look like absolute garbage and prevent people from wanting it because, well, it’s garbage. The ultimate deterrent.
#18 Scheherazade is probably left with her mouth agape.

#19 So what you’re telling me is that I eat a lot of salted caramel each day?

What did you think of these creative life hacks? Will you be employing any of these into your day to day life? Comment down below and let us know. Don’t forget to share so your friends can learn something new as well.