The word “family” has probably appeared at least once in a job ad if you’ve ever read one. Comparing professional relationships to family ties might unfortunately have the opposite effect of what is intended. This is something that user issathrowaway2 is aware of firsthand. He recently related a troubling tale to the Anti Work group about how his supervisor had reprimanded him for “embarrassing” him in front of one of his “great clients.” You see, the writer of this piece was devoted to his work and eager to succeed, “even if it required going above and beyond.” So when the small business owner begged him to come in on his day off, he readily consented.
Sadly, instead of appreciating his efforts, the supervisor expressed displeasure and accused him of being unreliable. The author, as you can assume, was not happy.
To learn how the tale ends, keep reading. It only goes to prove that you should leave the office as soon as your manager uses the word “Family.”
Don’t ever turn around. Although we don’t know for certain, we may infer a lot about the families these managers came from. And it nearly makes us feel bad for them. Almost.
A worker recently related a tale about how his boss was “embarrassed” when he showed in late on his day off.
A hard worker
He works efficiently at wrapping automobiles, and he also receives certain benefits (like the permission to come in late on occasions)
A buddy of OP’s boss needs to get his car covered right away.
He, therefore, pleaded with OP to come in on his day off. Yet, the task that was scheduled to take two hours to complete took ten.
Nonetheless, the boss was not content. He thought OP had embarrassed him in front of his friend, on the other hand.
The boss says the OP is unreliable.
OP even received some job offers
He replied to some questions:
And made his working terms clear.
OP never wanted this job
One-third of our lives are spent at work, therefore it’s crucial that employees feel supported, heard, and appreciated by both their managers and coworkers. You can advance in your career and enhance your general well-being by knowing that people value you.
So, Reddit has transformed his life…
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