Women need body autonomy.
Most women don’t have a ‘choice’ when it comes to whether they want to keep the baby or not. And before we get into the debate of ‘they should be on birth control’ and ‘not have s*x in the first place’ but that isn’t how things actually work. Even people who are pro-choice don’t go to an abortion clinic like it is a candy store. Pro-choice just means, people need to be educated so they don’t need to go to such lengths in the first place.
Even if you are ‘pro-life’, what about when the baby is born? Who takes care of the kid if the parent is unable to do so. They just get thrown in the orphanage and that is not a ‘better life’. And while things have been changing in recent times, we still have a long way to go as is evident by the following story shared by a Twitter user. Perhaps this wouldn’t have happened today but sadly it does. So scroll on below and take a look for yourself.
Source: Twitter
This is Salome Strangelove, a lyricist, and poet who shared an eye-opening story.
Her mother didn’t share this traumatic experience until much later in life.
Everyone is different and her mother wasn’t as assertive as many women are today.
Then she goes on to share how her mother didn’t plan for her.
However, she didn’t terminate the pregnancy and it was truly awful for her.
But she went through with it and promised not to ever get pregnant again.
However, her doctor didn’t understand where she was coming from.
And even went as far as to call her selfish.
Unsurprisingly enough, this affected her deeply.
Even after all that, she got pregnant several more times.
And at last, a son was born and thankfully a new doctor took over.
Finally, she had enough and asked the new doctor the same question.
He thankfully recognized that she needed help with her depression as well.
This was the turning point of her life.
The previous doctor obviously did not care for his patient and forced his own views over her.
He must have done the same thing to many other women.
And he never faced any repercussions for what he did.
This is why we need to let women make their own choices.
And not force other’s personal views upon us when it comes to body autonomy.
Only after so many years did they realize the birth control was not working.
And this is where her story ended.
But this is just one story of many.
And we need to spread more awareness about this subject.
Sterilization, like any other surgical procedure, must be carried out under the general ethical principles of respect for autonomy, beneficence, and justice. …The physician who objects to a patient’s request for sterilization solely as a matter of conscience must inform the patient that sterilization services may be available elsewhere and should refer the patient to another caregiver. – Committee on Ethics Opinion
People in the comments were quick to share their own experiences with this sort of stuff.
It seems like a long time ago but it was quite recent.
Women were legally the ‘property’ of their husbands which is disgusting.
That is not an invalid question but most people think about it a lot before committing to anything like this.
So many women have passed away just because of this.
Even doctors put us at risk just so we can have children.
In many countries, abortions are still illegal and women have to resort to dangerous procedures.
Voice your own thoughts and opinions in the comments below. And why not share your personal experience of dealing with this sort of thing?