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27 Photos Accurately Explaining Life Of A First Time Dog Owner

Living with dogs is awesome because they add excitement and adventure to our life. Everyday, we get to experience new things as our dogs are always up to something new. Sometimes they are solving a mystery, and other times they are on a quest for something. Either way, they are running into some uninvited trouble that ultimately we have to take care of. Dogs have intelligence like no other animal, but they are still very naive. More than half of the time, when they get in trouble, they are clueless about their actions. That’s what makes them even more adorable.

While it’s true that our furry little best friends can sometimes land us in unnecessary trouble, they’re also the very same creatures that bring us joy and make our lives a little more tolerable. In short, they teach us more about life than we would otherwise learn. They show us what it means to have a crazy best friend who would always side with us in all situations, and at the same time teach us to be more forgiving and humble.

So for all those wanting to experience this beautiful bond, the following is what you can expect!


Dogs have no concept of personal space and private time…


Doggo will keep you company.


Adopting a dog means you don’t have to do anything alone. You will always have company no matter where you go. Whether it’s the toilet or a camping trip, your dog will always stay by your side. But wait! It’s not as cute as it sounds. Dogs can be very clingy, and at times it gets so bad that terms like “personal space” and “private time” sound greek to dog owners.

That’s mainly because a doggo always stands by its owner and sometimes literally on top of it. So, thinking about some private time is pointless. There is no escape, and resistance is useless. However, with time dog owners get used to their dog’s clingy nature and even grow fond of it. In short, it all works out.

“He gets coziness in here.”


Did someone say free food?


“The dogs have many tricks to steal foods, whenever they want.”


“Hooman, if you’re not taking us for a walk, we’re going on a walk by ourselves.”


“Nope! You’re not sleeping alone.”

“This is my dog every time I get a phone call. He always gets curious about what I say and whom I talk to.”


Don’t panic! It’s just a pup drenched in strawberry jam.

“He shows me this when I tell him no more pizza. Not on the good list anymore.”


‘Hello hooman! Whatcha doin’?’

“This is how he disapproves of the diet I give him.”


Looks like he’s seen a ghost or something. Maybe his human has a facemask on…

“When I told my dog to make a smile, yes smile.”


“This furry giant thinks that he’s still a little baby.”

“I told him to go outside to get some fun in the garden and he actually makes his nest.”


“These guys also love new clothes every time I get some for myself.”

“This’s actually what happens when you raise a playful and energetic dog…”


“He still gets afraid of seeing the vet even though he grows up to be a house bear.”

“This adorable furry giant still has a puppy soul. Love cuddles and snuggle up on their owners whenever he wants.”


“He shows me this when it’s lunch time.”

“This house bear runs to me from somewhere and ask for some cuddles.”


“The morning walk has been so exciting until this happens…”

“This is one of his favorite places to play hide and seek. He can always find a way to get to the rooftop.”


“I’ve just bought him a new blanket when fall comes. And here is it after 3 days. Helpless!”

“He always shows me that face every time I feed him 5 minutes late. This makes me feel guilty.”


“Here is how my dog react when I told him he wasn’t a good boy today.”

Dogs are pure souls that know no evil. They only spread positive vibes that envelopes everyone around them. Anyone who has been around dogs would agree with this. What do you guys think? Let us know in the comments below.


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