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18 Fluffy Hooligans Who Do Whatever They Want

I remember, when I brought my cat home for the first time, she appeared like a very shy and adorable animal. I had absolutely no idea what kind of devil I have brought home with me. As the time passed by, my cat started to scratch my couch, my curtains would throw things off of my table, and whatnot. I don’t feel like I own a pet anymore, it feels like the cat owns me and I’m sure a majority of cat owners can relate to it! Cats would inspect every new thing that you bring into the house.


As for the dog owners, I’m sure they must have similar stories to tell of their furry pooches. As loyal and loving as they can be, they can be equally disastrous as well. But low-key, we enjoy these things because we love our animals to death and we absolutely don’t mind our things getting ruined. We might get frustrated at times but as soon as we see their adorable faces, we forget everything. Not like we can do anything about it because they would do whatever they want to. Today, we have compiled a list of these fluffy hooligans showing us that they would do whatever they want and you can’t do anything about it. So prepare yourself for a hilarious ride!

1. Are you looking for me, hooman?

via © junebugnteddie / Reddit

“I got out of the shower and couldn’t find my cat anywhere. Literally tore my house apart until I finally found her here…”

2. I have no idea what you are talking about, hooman. I didn’t do this.

via © Aspirare / Reddit

3. A random cat in a cafe.

via © AlfaMale2 / Reddit

“Yes, this is a cafe. Yes, I do not know this cat.”

4. Who are you? How did you come into my house with my permission?

via © want_chocolate / Reddit

“I bought a Christmas tree today.”

5. The audacity. Jeez!

via © BarneyChampaign / Reddit

“He crushed all of my flowers and then just stared at me.”

6. What? I was hungry and bored.

via © Trebmal77 / Reddit

“He got a full roll out of the bathroom up onto the kitchen table while I was out.”

7. Guess what? This kitty was caught eating fake snow off the Christmas tree.

via © occasionallyrational / Reddit

8. I feel sad for the poor doggo!

via © *****ihavea****** / Reddit

“My in-law’s new cat has officially asserted his dominance.”

9. And they know how to show their anger.

via © BloopBot9000 / Reddit

“Woke up to this today. Clearly, he thinks I haven’t been giving him enough treats.”

10. Hush, go away from here, hooman. Don’t you see I’m trying to relax?

via © Soylent_Milk2021 / Reddit

“I laid out towels to dry the dishes on…”

11. What makes you think you can solve a puzzle with a cat in the house?

via © K1tt3nsrule / Reddit

“After weeks of rebuilding over and over, I finally gave up and put the pieces back in the box.”

12. You were not supposed to catch me!

via © svydesign / Reddit

13. I am not going to let you watch the TV unless you feed me first.

via © JustFetterhoff2 / Reddit

“She does this every morning until I feed her.”

14. Look at this cheeky little devil.

via © youcanseemyface / Reddit

“My cat knocked something off the bathroom counter. When I leaned over to pick it up, he jumped on my back and settled there.”

15. So this kitty decided to inspect the new blinds.

via © Diver_Dave / Reddit

16. I mean you were going to open it later anyway? You should be thankful.

via © marasydnyjade / Reddit

“Last night there were 4 rolls in the bag. This morning…”

17. But can you do anything about it? No, Sir.

via © AgentSears / Reddit

“This is what a 9-month-old sofa looks like when you own a bad-mannered cat.”

18. Oh, I wasn’t expecting this.

via © Maladjusted_vagabond / Reddit

“My SO found a stranger making toast in her kitchen. This is a brush-tailed possum.”

What did you think of these hilarious pictures? We are sure you’ve had a good laugh! If you are a cat owner, I’m sure you must have been able to relate to almost all of these pictures because I certainly can! Let me know which picture made you laugh the most? Feel free to use the comments section below.


What do you think?