Well, they asked for it.
Working in the food industry is not easy. You just can not please everyone. Even people that are not picky eaters become very choosy when they eat from a restaurant. They want their food to be at a certain temperature and the ratio of meat and vegetables according to their desire. If they want extra cheese, they don’t just want another slice of cheese in their burger, they want 10 more slices for the price of one. If they want extra pepperoni on their pizza, the surface of the pizza better be filled with it or it is of no use. People make some really weird requests too that just do not make any sense. But as a food service worker, you have to comply with all the requests without question. If they want some cream on their pizza, just do it. Do not ask anything, just do what they want and you just might get a generous tip. From a customer’s point of you, things can be a bit different. If you do not like tomatoes, you need to tell the food service worker to not add them to your burger. Picking off those things still leaves their taste behind so it is better to not add them in the first place. If you really like cheese, you will ask for some extra cheese on your pizza. You don’t want them to be greedy and add just a little bit of extra cheese but go crazy with it.
However, sometimes food service workers just maliciously comply with the requests. They will do exactly what the customer asked for so even if it looks weird, they can not complain about it. Scroll down below to see some food service workers that complied with exact meal requests.
1. Every fancy restaurant when you ask them to upsize your meal.
2. They did what you asked them to do, just differently.
3. They went a little overboard with this request.
4. Best son ever.
5. It’s what you asked for.
6. A year’s worth supply of sauce right there.
7. Talk about putting extra effort in your work.
8. They did what you asked them to do.
9. It is what it is.
10. Be careful what you wish for.
This is a bit ridiculous but you can not say that they are wrong. The food service workers just did what they were asked to do. They were told to “go crazy” with these requests and so they did. We are only halfway through the pictures so scroll down below to see the rest.
11. Do You want more cheese?
12. They should rename this to ”Rude Cheese Ravioli”.
13. That’s a lot of whipped cream.
14. The ”Heart-attack” burger.
15. That’s one full-stacked beef burger.
Have you ever had an experience like this? Share your stories with us in the comments below.