Before you invite your family over, make sure to ask or discuss it with your wife.
Having a family over for a Christmas celebration sounds fun, right? But when you have a full-time job, a toddler to take care of and are 6-month pregnant, a family over is something you can not afford to have. Today, we have a story of a woman whose husband invited almost 26 family members for a 5-day Christmas celebration and her husband didn’t even ask her once. When she got to know about it, not only she was disgusted by it, she also texted everyone and canceled the invitation. Scroll down to read the details of the story.
They say communication is the key, Well, they have said it right. Talk to your partner before taking any important decision if you wish to skip the family drama.
Credits: Pexels
So, here is how the drama started when the husband invited over his huge family for a 5-day Christmas celebration without telling or asking her about it.
Credits: u/No355356
Credits: u/No355356
Credits: u/No355356
26 family members for a 5-day long Christmas celebration. Bro, are you out of your mind?
Credits: u/No355356
He didn’t even bother to inform her and she found out about it by accident.
Credits: u/No355356
He should’ve asked her first.
Credits: u/No355356
So, that’s how WE will manage?
Credits: u/No355356
Look at how big his pride is.
Credits: u/No355356
Oh, you made him look small.
Credits: u/No355356
Credits: u/No355356
Credits: u/No355356
How toxic do you have to be to ask your wife for a handwritten apology?
Credits: u/No355356
MIL needs to consider how out of line his son is for disrespecting his wife and not asking her before inviting everyone.
Credits: u/No355356
Credits: u/No355356
Responsibilities need to be divided.
Credits: u/No355356
No wonder, Christmas is the most exciting time of the year but family conflicts and arguments can ruin it. If you are the head of the family and you have to take care of the family and have to take all the family decisions but that doesn’t mean you don’t discuss it with your wife who has to do all the preparations. How can you invite over 26 people for a 5-day long Christmas celebration knowing that your wife is 6-month pregnant and takes care of the house, your 2-year old child, has a full-time job and now you are surprising her with the extra load of work? Putting a burden of responsibilities on your wife’s shoulders and getting offended when she refuses to do it for you. It is ridiculous.
A written apology? That’s repulsive and disrespectful.
Credits: u/No355356
An apology that he truly deserves.
Credits: u/No355356
NTA if he manages to do everything instead of expecting it from you.
Credits: u/No355356
Do yourself a favor and leave him for the love of God.
Credits: u/No355356
You are NTA but your husband is AH.
Credits: u/No355356
Talk about the marriage expectations before you decide to marry someone so you don’t get to deal with all of this.
Credits: u/No355356
It’s your family, you entertain them.
Credits: u/No355356
Girl, throw away the whole man.
Credits: u/No355356
Handwritten apology or handwritten divorce?
Credits: u/No355356
So, is it right that the wife does all the house jobs, a full-time job and takes care of everything while the husband just sits because he is the head of the family? What do you guys think? Is she the AH for canceling all the invitations and refusing to apologize in writing? Comment down below and let us know what do you think about it? AITA or NTA?