Most dogs need to be trained.
Especially if you are going to let them walk around without a leash. Not that it is recommended since most laws forbid dogs from going outside without a leash. However, when you haven’t properly trained your dog, it might be a danger to others. I am well aware no one likes to hear this since we all love our pets but that doesn’t mean they will act the same way around strangers as they do with you.
Although, these neighbors didn’t agree with that. Even when their dog kept attacking a cat and had many complaints against it, they wouldn’t listen to reason. Most of the families in the neighborhood asked them to put their dog on a leash when they go out for walks ut they never did that. So unsurprisingly, this family had enough of the constant ruckus and decided to report the dog to animal control.
Only later did they found out that the dog was an emotional support animal.
Source: Reddit
They had built a sort of catio so their cat could lounge around without any disturbances.
But the cat wasn’t safe there because of the neighbor’s dog.
They had tried coming to a solution but nothing worked as they weren’t willing to listen.
And that is when they decided enough was enough and called animal control.
As is customary, they took the dog away but they later came to find out that the dog was an emotional support animal.
However, it doesn’t end there as the neighbors retaliated and reported them because of the catio as well.
But even if the dog was ESA, he still needs to have basic training.
Thankfully, the dog is perfectly fine.
But the neighbors are clearly not going to let this go and are making a huge fuss.
The kid also got out of this without any injury whatsoever as well.
Most people agreed that they did the right thing by reporting the dog.
Had an old roommate that was an in the closet drug addict and couldn’t afford to pay the pet deposit so she had some sketchy therapist write up some document stating that her dog was an ESA. The apartment complex accepted and her dog was the most undisciplined dog I’ve ever seen. He would poop and pee all over the house, had extreme separation anxiety, and completely ruined the apartment which I ended up paying for because she skipped town and threw her dog on me. She used to physically abuse him as well during her episodes.
Ended up leaving, not before calling animal control to get him out. Hopefully, he’s better now, and in good hands, because lord knows I felt horrible for leaving him but I couldn’t take care of him myself. So will concur. ESA’s are, unfortunately, mostly owned by irresponsible people who want free tickets to take their pets anywhere. –sunshinebabiev
Being an ESA is not an excuse for this sort of behavior and they needed to train the dog.
From the comments, we can also see that many people have faced the same issue.
If they didn’t want the dog taken away, they should have taken proper care not to hurt other people.
Giant NTA. The dog IS a danger. It literally couldn’t even control itself around a cat ON PRIVATE PROPERTY to the point it hurt a child. The owner not picking up after the dog is also illegal, not to mention disgusting. If they can’t take care of the dog, they shouldn’t have it in the first place. Emotional Support Animals are a lot different from actual disability dogs.
If they want an Emotional Support Animal, they can get something low maintenance, or live without one. It is still a living creature. It still needs to be trained and looked after properly. It sure as hell isn’t doing its job if it’s hurting children. –Mistake_Nutshell
What are your thoughts on emotional support animals? Comment down below and let us know.