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30 Times Instagrammers Showed The World Their ‘Real’ Bodies, And The Internet Admired Their ‘Sanity’

Via purpleyellowpaint

The “Instagram vs reality” fad has arrived.

When was the last time you uploaded your picture on social media without any photoshop or filter?Likewise, we’ve all got a buddy who can’t upload a photo to Instagram or Facebook without photoshopping it so much that you can’t tell who they are – you know that friend who we are talking about! This fact explains a lot about how the availability of picture manipulation technology has fueled society’s fixation with body image. On the other side, we have friends who aren’t scared to flaunt their natural attractiveness. Obviously, they are many people who are comfortable with uploading who they actually are, they don’t seem different on social media or in real life.

Just go and have a look at the ‘Instagram Reality’ subreddit, you will frequently find examples of people who go beyond with photo manipulation and photo editing. Well, that’s not the case with every person, oftentimes we see perfect examples of those attractive individuals who enjoy their bodies in all of its imperfections and there’s nothing wrong with that. Duh!! We need individuals in our lives who support being oneself while discouraging bodily manipulations. Because individuals these days are strongly affected by social media influencers with beautiful flawless bodies uploading pictures with ideal poses at perfect locations. Everything appears to be perfect in their image, but this is not the case. And we are all aware of this truth.

We’ve gathered some of the most wholesomely honest images from r/Instagramreality, so scroll down and have a look at them:

More info: Reddit

1. Just look at those skin textures. But damn, that’s a cute smile.

Via purpleyellowpaint

The ‘Instagram Reality’ subreddit has over 642,000 users and characterizes social media as a “breeding ground for FaceTune and Photoshop,” with some people “getting away with it,” while others have their photos splattered throughout this community.

2. It’s amazing, how fitted clothes can change the look of a person. But, she looks adorable in both ways.

Via finella7

3. You are always beautiful, no matter how many stretch marks you have!

Via miljami

In some corners of the internet, ‘Sanity Sunday’ is a word in which Sundays are reserved for good articles that let everyone relax, enjoy life, and escape the chaos of life. At least for the time being, since, as we all know, Sunday is always followed by Monday.

4. Look at this beautiful Fitness Influencer!

Via Nevidimka-

5. A picture of model with no photoshop…

Via holly-golightly-

6. A perfect caption from mommy!

Via dapperpony

Assistant Professor Brooke Erin Duffy at Cornell University stated The Guardian that editing photos too much can cause people to body shame you as well.

7. That’s the real power of makeup!

Via been1there2done3that

8. Well, that’s the reality. But let’s appreciate this honesty.

Via darkangel0695

9. That’s why the angles matter a lot.

Via Dying1minuteatatime

10. Royals don’t edit their Instagram pictures. Look at that skin textures and wrinkles!

Via SweetJazz25

The professor stated: “Nobody wants to be called a fake. Influencers very much feel they need to present themselves authentically while getting the best image possible. It’s not seen as acceptable to put up a photo with a big spot. So you either put up the spot photo and get hate in the comments or you remove the spot,”

11. Loving this un-edited picture. She actually looks so young and stunning.

Via submissiveswiss

12. Love the body positivity in this picture.

Via crunknizzle

13. One of my absolute favorite YouTuber!

Via Athena42

14. Finally, we got to see a real picture with some real eyebrows!

Via magic-mags

15. She still looks great. No?

Via MadamMadLoveReport

Why are women considered “brave” if they display themselves without make-up and filters, as well as their “imperfect” bodies? We see many influencers trying to prove that they’re attractive even if they don’t look like models.  You’re OK; you don’t have to prove anything to the rest of the world.

16. “Flattering” And “Unflattering” Pictures!

Via MsLunaValentine

17. When you accidently open your front camera.

Via deinterest

18. Well, that’s the perfect real picture of Runner on Instagram.

Via HarveyCohen

19. A quick transformation from Reality to Perfection!

Via MsLunaValentine

20. A beautiful person inside out. Those Cellulites don’t matter.

Via LavenderLady_

21. A perfect Marketing Strategy.

Via layne_e

22. Being natural is beautiful.

Via berrycat14

23. Nice Foundation branding.

Via berrycat14

24. “Unflattering Photos” to prove every body has flaws.

Via elisabethmaarie

25. A Pretty & Happy Woman!

Via berrycat14

26. When you are brave enough to post both “Good” & “Bad” days pictures.

Via ami_toonaive

27. Influencer showing Stretch Marks!

Via submissiveswiss

28. It takes courage to post this picture.

Via aussiedomxo

29. Perfect Body Rolls!!

Via FrenchAnastiel

30. Lastly, our queen Lady Gaga posted her picture without air-brushing her skin.

Via nokia621

Have you ever edited a photo before posting it on social media? If that’s the case, what’s the point of altering your photo? We’d love to hear your comments and ideas on why you edit images. Also, don’t forget to share these images with your loved ones who are heavily influenced by social media influencers.


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