Before you start, we’d like to warn you that this story could get overwhelming to read and it just shows how the lack of empathy and humanity is getting toxic for those around. For someone with a disability, it isn’t easy for them to live a normal or a usual life for obvious reasons. Imagine being blind and trying to seek help from random people, what a heart-wrenching situation!
People lack the awareness of such issues that people with disabilities get harrassed, which happens on a daily basis for many. It is rude, arrogant, and just straight-up cold-hearted to harass or bully such people who are clearly going through a lot in their life already.
Anyway, the story that we decided to share today is surely going to make you feel bad and angry at the kind of people that exist in our society. Today, we have a story of an entitled mother who didn’t believe a blind girl that she’s blind and it doesn’t just end there. She even decided to teach the poor girl that this isn’t what blindness should be like. I mean, she had her own perception of “being blind” which she clearly tried to impose onto the blind girl. But how did it all start? Let’s get to the details.
As long as we leave the past in the past, we can share our experiences.

Gumbo surely made a headline during the COVID pandemic.

It must obviously be hard for the girl to go shopping being blind. It is not easy to roam around and fetch items without being aware of what is around you and in front of you.
The excitement of the dog on duty was something out of the ordinary.

Guide dogs are very well trained to assist their humans in the most efficient way possible. The kid must have been a bit too surprised with the thought of a dog having a job. Who can blame luck when it was meant to happen.
Now, this is where the drama begins. The entitled mother has to do her thing.

How can someone just bash a person who is blind!? It is rude and honestly un-empathetic to accuse someone of not having the disability they claim they have.
Just because one blind person acts a certain way doesn’t mean all do.

The mother apparently generalized one-person doings to all those who are blind. This just shows how rigid she is with her mindset and is just being straight-up arrogant.
The entitled mother decided to cross the boundaries.

It is just so unreasonable to force someone to allow the kid to pet her dog, if she refused, just find some other dog to pet, rather than accusing her of not being blind just because she looks normal on the exterior.
The entitled mother did not have any productive thing to do throughout the day.

When the kid is silent, what frustrations is the entitled mother projecting onto someone who is blind? What proof does the security guard has whether she is actually blind or not to kick her out?
The guard seems to be baffled by all this information

I honestly don’t know why she cares either, it is not her business to show such concern as to whether the woman is actually blind or not. The dog is rather innocent as it is just doing the job it is assigned and trained to do.
The entitled woman is getting way too out of hand, the guard is going along with it.

The security guard reached out to try to get an insight and some proof, though that just does not make sense. If the EM’s cousin is blind, clearly doesn’t explain that all people must be like the cousin
Not every blind person has white or clouded eyes.

So apparently, just because you have a phone in your hand with a bit of sensitivity to light perception, clearly states the fact that she is not blind.
Now she has to prove as to if she is blind or not, I mean how is that even possible?

So this seems like more of a dog issue than whether or not she is blind. This is ridiculous how someone with a disability should prove to someone if they are actually disabled or not. This is so invalidating that she has to go through all this sh*t because of an entitled mother wanting her daughter to pet a dog.
Do you believe that the entitled mother is right with her stance, is it actually justified for what is happening to the poor girl? Or the woman has no need to bother with such idiocracy and walk off? If she allows the kid to pet the dog, that can interfere with its duties and can disrupt things for the dog.
If one security guard wasn’t enough, there is one more running up to the scene.

This is just escalating so quickly and is causing such anxiety for the woman that she seemed to panic in the situation and did what she could possibly think of, I mean taking away someone’s guide dog is just ridiculous.
The other security guard seems like a good man in such a toxic situation.

Gumbo is there to save the day alongside the second security guard who was reasonable and knew exactly what he was supposed to do in such a situation.
In conclusion!

Long story short, it is just alarming to think about what the poor girl must have gone through emotionally after looking back at the situation. What is your stance on this scenario? Do you know anyone personally who has been harassed because of their disability? Do you think that it is fair to negate someone like that? Or have the audacity to physically assault someone? Let us know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below.
image source: Leckzsluthor