Cats are cute but kittens are the cutest.
Hello everyone! It’s the second day of the week and we are already feeling worn out. If you have the same feeling as we have, then you are welcome here. We have the perfect solution to this problem. Today, we have got 50 photos of illegally smol kittens that are not only adorable but they will also make your day better. These kitties are ready to make you smile with their cutest actions. From looking in your eyes with innocence to cuddling with you, these kitties will steal your heart today. There is a subreddit that collects the picture of ‘Illegally smol’ cats. Take a look at these adorable pictures you won’t regret it. Scroll down below to see these adorable kittens. We are sure this post is going to make your day.
1. It is such a tiny little void
via someclaireflair
2. Stop working please I need attention
3. Soo much cuteness in one picture
via regian24
4. They heard meow under their porch, now this is how they start their morning. Look at the boy how much happy he is
5. Look at those eyes
6. This tiny creature is adorable
7. Say hello to this most beautiful ginger Butter
8. He’s soo tiny that he can even fit in a face mask
9. Can you spot where is he?
via Nooky974
10. Meet George he is only six weeks old
via Nooky974
11. Another tiny void
12. Tiny furry kitty taking a cozy nap in a sock
via vicariouslyacat
13. Look at those shiny eyes, am in love with them
via DasCapitolin
14. Too much cuteness in a single photo
via loysoy
15. I just want to pick her up
via kigbitties
16. Give me food am mad
via TheZombae
17. Want a kitten sandwich?
via Wennefy
18. Owner went hunting and found this cute kitty instead, meet Frank
via slantfour
19. This cuite pie is only 5 weeks old
via Skjaaf_Tincutter
20. This kitten soo small yet he knows how where is the food located
via hi-im-hungry
21. She became overwhelmed holding this cute bundle of happiness
via merryvjohnson
22. Isn’t she the most adorable foxy cat?
via CatchADeffaz
23. Keyboard is Murf favorite sleeping place
via khirann
24. He’s barely even longer than a remote soo cute
via AndiMarie711
25. Rescued kitten eyes look most beautiful
via Koibetta
26. This cute kitty fits in the palm
via toolyoufoo
27. She really knows how to pose
via Poxalox
28. Kitten soo small fits in a show, soo adorable
via Edltraud
29. She has got the most innocent look
30. This kitty slept at a birthday table
via Eliznalikestea
31. Haven’t looked something soo beautiful while sleeping
via spikedmycoffee
32. Her weirdly cute sleeping position
via spikedmycoffee
33. The spark in his eyes though
via Greyisokay
34. Friendship goals
via Greyisokay
35. What is this little dude pissed of about
36. Cutest thing on the internet
via aulophobiaotter
37. This photo warms my heart
via DumitruLozovanu
38. Say hi to this tiny gang
via bobeth1
39. He has the sweetest face
via dingogrundle
40. It is never too late to have a cat
via mochiimomo
41. Meet Higgins he just had a home
via Skjaaf_Tincutte
42. He looks like a snorer
via Reffska
43. Meet Angela it’s her first night at her home
via BrahmAnon
44. I am small but don’t underestimate me
via mama-and-babies
45. Is this a cat or a sausage roll?
46. Love that face
47. Band of brothers
via littleglitter
48. Tiny cute creature
49. They share an amazing bond
via NohemiVass
50. Cuteness overloaded
via llamalalley
These tiny little creatures are extremely cute. After seeing this we are sure you must have felt good and an urge to pick them up and snuggle with them. Do you find them cute? Which one was your favorite picture? Don’t forget to comment your thoughts. Stay tuned for more cat content.