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Landlord Refused To Give Tenant His Deposit, A Cold Revenge Follows

When someone hits you, you shoot them back.

No, no literally. It’s just an expression. But it’s essential that one knows when and when not to fight. Just like they say, you gotta when to hold ’em and know when to fold ’em. Not every fight is worth fighting. However, if someone is bullying you or taking advantage of you in any way, thenregardless of the situationyou must strike back.

Always remember that silence in response to aggression only makes the oppressor stronger. If you hit them back once, they’ll think twice before messing with you again. That’s just how it works. Some people don’t understand the language of love, so to get the point across, one must deal with them the old-fashioned way.


That’s exactly how this young man dealt with a landlord who just couldn’t stop being a jerk. First, he gave the young man a hard time when he moved in. Then, he charged extra for basic supplies and finally he removed the thermostat. That too, in peak summer time. The tenant always responded politely and even tried talking to him about his problems, but it didn’t do anything.

Soon, however, the whole game changed when the landlord finally p*ssed him off. The landlord refused to give him back his security deposit and that’s when the tenant knew he had to take the bull by the horns.

Take a look below and see how the tenant hatched a brilliant plan and took his sweet revenge.

Here’s the full story:


It’s funny how people who think they are know-all are always the dumbest. All of this definitely served the landlord right, and we’re glad the tenant got more than he asked for. He deserved this much for being patient for so long.

What would you have done in this situation? Let us know in the comments below.


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