
These 20 Majestic Animals Were Naturally Blessed With A Face Mask

Face masks have now become a new normal for everyone.

Every time someone refers to a mask, the mind goes straight to the medicare masks that we use to protect ourselves from bad air particles and dust. COVID 19 changed so many things for us, and one of those things was the development of a new habit of wearing face masks everywhere we go. Now before this stupid virus struck us, masks had a very different meaning for us. There are so many masks out there that people use for entertainment purposes or to disguise, for example, masquerade masks, clown masks, horror masks, robbery masks, and so on. These masks still exist, it’s just that our new definition for masks now only revolves around COVID so you could say they are less popular now.

But the masks we are going to be discussing today were awarded to these creatures by birth. I am talking about animals who have a very unique coat color on their face s making it seem like they are wearing a mask. Trust me, they look so good at it and pull these natural facemasks like champions.

Let’s enjoy some pet wholesomeness. Scroll down below to begin!

1. It would be very difficult to spot him if he ever conducted a robbery, he has a premade robbery mask on his face.


Via Bluesteel7 / imgur

2. Thanks to a genetic condition called Vitiligo, this brave boy got a natural mask and it does make the dog look very exotic.


Via bennyrae2424 / imgur

3. Harry Potter over here got a natural mask that looks like glasses.

Turns him into a nerd that everyone takes their homework querries to.


Via miamithrowaway123 / reddit

4. Meet Cosmo. This is a picture of him when he was only 3 months old, his face mask made him look exactly like The Joker.


Via icommentingifs / reddit

5. Who hurt these goats? It looks like they’ve all put some proper gothic makeup on.


Via sersh4 / reddit

6. No he is not angry or anything, it’s just his eye mask that makes him look like he is going to go at someone.


Via mellow_fello / reddit

7. A multicolored face, thanks to the genetics.

He looks so adorable and he probably knows how handsome he looks with that unique skin coat.

Via JMurph3313 / reddit

8. Can’t grow a mustache? No problem, Gods modified one right into your fur.


Via Instagram

9. You just cannot ignore but think of Jon Snow when you look at this cat’s coat.

Via HadoukenKitty / reddit

10. Makes it look like he is wearing some really funny eyebrows but it’s just its natural face.


Via Cheesydrycakestuff / reddit

I swear all of these animals are fully blessed. They all look so cool in their unique coats. Glad to see these pictures and I hope they all know how crazily handsome they all look with their genetic modifications.

How do you guys like it so far? Let’s enjoy some more animals wearing natural face masks.

11. Oh dear lord, God spent an extra week when creating this horse.

This is the most majestic horse I have ever seen in my life. Anything white outclasses everything else.

Via Instagram

12. You can see both a black heart and an angel on that face. This dog is destined to go to heavens.


Via GraniteM / imgur

13. Mask so cool, you just cannot take your eyes away from this adorable dog.

Honestly, having a face like this one is a proper blessing.

Via TimeSand / reddit

14. If Two-Face from the Batman movie was a cat.


Via sheerpariah / reddit

15. It looks like the front of a really sexy car, I don’t know why but it does.

Via camfoss1995 / reddit

16. Speaking of Two-Face, here is a cat wearing a Batman, or should I say a Catman mask


Via Instagram

17. Captain Jack Sparrow, you have competition.

Via mclarenlm / reddit

18. Panda eyes or dark circles? The choice is yours.


Via Selectivetypism / reddit

19. This dog has hearts around its eyes. You just know it is the world’s sweetest dog just based on that.

Via Instagram

20. He looks like a gang leader for some reason.


Via MalamuteMemer / reddit

I really hope you guys enjoyed it. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.


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