Cats are clever creatures.
They are actually much more intelligent than we give them credit for. After all, why is it that we have always called dogs loyal and intellectual while the same cannot be said for cats? Is it because they are much more independent and don’t require constant affection from their owner? Whatever the reasoning may be, it cannot be denied that they are evil geniuses when it comes to them getting their way especially when they are hungry.
Anyone who has ever dealt with a cat would know they never let you get a full sleep at night and will wake you up in the middle of the night just because they are bored and want to play around. And if you thought a door is going to hold them back, then you’re wrong since many cats have already learned to open doors easily just to reach the place they want. From putting their paw in your mouth to jumping on your head, they will do anything for their end goal which is usually food or chaos.
So when one Twitter user posted about his cat that he aptly named the world’s worst cat, many people joined in with their own stories which you can read below.
#1 Thinking outside the box is a cat’s number one ability.
#2 Some cats just want to see the world burn.
#3 You can tell just by this picture that he is planning something.
#4 He sure does love hanging around.
#5 To be honest, that was the boyfriend’s fault.
#6 Now we know whose side she is on.
#7 That is one way to wake someone up.
#8 Even the thought of that hurts my soul.
#9 He has learned the simple fact, action = reaction.
#10 Are we sure he is your cat?
#11 He must have wanted some alone time and she was infringing on that.
So this might be a bit out of the left-field but all jokes aside, cats are not actually evil. Most of their behavior can be explained by a change in their surroundings or something else. We have to understand that their thought process is immeasurably different from humans and that leads to them doing these things and forming a habit. Even little things like staring at you can mean something else entirely in their own mind.
#12 That stare is creeping me out.
#13 That is some ingenious thinking.
#14 If only glares could hurt someone.
#15 How could such an innocent-looking cat hurt anything?
#16 I bet he has no problem in making you give him a second breakfast.
#17 This cat is clearly an agent of destruction.
#18 Honestly, that is actually very relaxing.
Why do you think weighted blankets are a thing?
#19 She certainly rules.
#20 He just wants to feel special.
#21 He wants to know everything that is happening at all times.
#22 This cat has clearly adopted a new family.
#23 It is always cute at first, then it gets annoying.
#24 Does sound like a great time for anyone who has asthma.
#25 We all need to keep the pro-tip in mind.
#26 Can anyone with a cat have a full night of sleep?
#27 She is a boss and she knows it.
#28 She kind of listens to her, if you ask me.
#29 She doesn’t care for anyone’s beauty sleep.
#30 This one just sounds like she wasn’t used to the new house.
#31 At least he didn’t wat the sunflower seeds.
Honestly, with cats, you have to take the bad with the good. Sure, they can be evil sometimes but they are also loving creatures who will stay by you their whole life. Do you think your cat holds the mantle of the world’s worst cat? If so, why not share the reasons with us in the comments below.