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50 Of The Most Accurate Cat Memes That You And Your Cat Can Relate To

Cats rule the world.

I mean even dog lovers know this. We are well aware that someday we will wake up and realize that cats have taken over the world. Not that we are any different than butlers right now but that doesn’t mean we don’t chance to have a laugh at our master’s expense from time to time. Everyone has embarrassing moments and that includes cats. And I am sure you have a lot of stories to tell about your particular cat’s antics.

Well, That is why we are here today. And it is all because of one special Twitter account by the name of Memes I Wish I Could Tag My Cat In’ and the account is exactly what you think it is. The Twitter account is filled to the brim about everything related to cats. And not just that but all of the memes are not only hilarious but are also quite accurate. You can see for yourself what I am talking about by scrolling below.

Source: Twitter

#1 Honestly I think we can all relate to this.


#2 It sometimes feels like cats have no backbone.


#3 And it was a better love story than twilight.


#4 We have all had to do these gymnastics.


#5 That is certainly one way to protect the Christmas tree.


#6 Sometimes you just wanna see the world burn.


#7 This is exactly why I only have one cat.

#8 This is 100% accurate.


#9 How can anyone say no to that face?

#10 I believe every cat is the best cat, no arguments.


#11 That is a hard goal to achieve.

#12 The tuxedo has finally graced us with his presence.


#13 Or when he pees in the box to mark his territory.

#14 There is honestly no point in getting cats any toys.


#15 I wouldn’t go into the basement if I were her.

#16 She looks quite comfortable in the bed.


#17 Some cats like to blend in with the crowd.

#18 That is the only way to save your cat from destruction.


#19 The kitty sure looks quite comfortable.

#20 It always happens no matter what.


#21 They will try to squeeze in no matter how big the space is.

#22 The simple answer is you don’t.


#23 It’s all of their faults.

#24 If we did that then we wouldn’t be able to live properly.


#25 Cats somehow make everything better.

I wish I could tag my cat in memes. Eventually, I moved to Twitter and started an account here with the same name. The original person actually contacted me … and said she loved that I turned her post into a real community. Followers love memes that make them say ‘hey that’s my cat too!’ and the ones that make them literally wish they could tag their cat in.

My favourites are the silly cat photos that I make into memes about how a cat is anxiously awaiting wet food because my foster cat is also obsessed. I get a lot of submissions but it’s mostly just people sharing cute images of their cats. It makes the page really fun to run because I get to see so many cats. However, most submissions miss the mark when it comes to being a meme, but they always make me smile. I love cats so much that I made it into a job—I paint portraits of cats and this Twitter is the main way I reach people who love cat art. -pyrrhica

#26 This scene still makes me cry.


#27 If we think about it, are all cats naked?

The creator behind this Twitter page also works as an artist and can you guess what they usually draw? Yes, the creator of this account loves to draw cats. So you could safely say that their whole life is about cats. And I don’t know about you but that sounds like heaven to me.

#28 But it is definitely hard to achieve that.


#29 That is how we should solve all our problems.

#30 Can we all decorate our desks like this.


#31 It was told in the prophecy.

#32 I bet the cat feels the same way.


#33 This is one kind of pest that I’d love to have in my house.

#34 There are a lot more voices than just that.


#35 ‘It was surely the dog.’

#36 I bet a cat could resurrect someone like this


#37 Or a cat that changes between these two moods.

#38 So many beans!


#39 Cats will never sleep in their bed and that is a fact.

#40 I knew I was missing something.


#41 This is not accurate, cats usually sleep on our faces when they get big.

#42 A cat can make anything brighter.

#43 I think the cat needs to go to the vet.

#44 Does breed really matter? A cat is a cat.

#45 The cat appreciates her servant.

#46 This is exactly the sort of advancements we need in life.

#47 They will stick their face in everything other than their own bowl.

#48 A orange cat breed is certainly very common.

#49 And you only hope the cat hasn’t had tuna in the last few hours or your nostrils might not survive.

#50 We are the ones to blame for this ‘evolution’.

Did you find these memes relatable? If so comment down below and let us know which one was your favourite? And don’t forget to share these with your friends.


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