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20 Most Adorable Cat Tweets That Prove Life With Cats Is An Adventure

We are presenting you with the cutest cat content today to keep you cat lovers going.

I truly can not go a day without looking for cute cat content to make an amazing collection for you. This week we have gathered a bunch of humorous and adorable cat tweets that are unavoidable. cats in general too beautiful to be avoided, cats demand attention and we all are here to please them. Even though I am a dog person but I have to admit that cats are the cutest animals ever. Their cuteness is incomparable. There is no other animal better than a cat, they have so many great qualities and they make the best pets undoubtedly.

Cats are so lovable even though all they do all day is sleep and eat, nothing else. Maybe we humans find them so admirable because they are our idols. Maybe we want a life like theirs. It must be so peaceful and relaxing to be a cat I bet. Anyways, scroll down to see your cat content of the week…

1. Only found in cat genetics. So cool and unique.


Via @ellle

2. 110% correct.


3. Tell them the truth. You are the peasant and the cat is your owner!


Via @innesmck

4. Where is the lie??


Via @quenblackwell

5. She is so dreamy and adorable.


Via @fathercereal

6. I. Want. This. Right now!


Via @clairejoines

7. Jimmy seems to be the type of cat who would do anything to see the beautiful view outside.

Via @michaelscat2

8. She is a gifted dancer.


9. Oh, these cats LOVE hiding.

Via @najihahshahrel

10. Being a girl, I agree.


Via @carackobama

Aww, you can not be for real?! I had no idea such a cute mug exists. I definitely need to buy this. Like right now. Also, I know you guys were not expecting this content to turn out to be so cute and fun, right? These cat tweets were so cute so far, anything cat-related is absolutely cute. I am so much in love with cat tweets now that I think now I will be searching for these every day. Cat owners are so lucky they are blessed with such angelic creatures as pets. My cat is a total sweetheart, such a beauty she is. These cute cat posts make me fall more in love with my cat. Keep on scrolling down to see more cat tweets…

11. Indeed, extremely cute.

12. The kitten on top and the ginger in the middle are so freaking cute!


Via @HutCat

13. But you are playing…

Via @HutCat

14. Oh, to be a carefree cat living in the bookstore and carefreely sleeping on every bookstall. Just wow.


Via @cosmicsolace

15. Actually, cats are the only real and good thing about this world.

Via @HutCat

16. The caption says it all.


Via @tipsyonyrlove

17. She is straight up spilling facts.

Via @gothspiderbitch

18. Oh, my God! A Costco Hotdog is such an adorable catto!


Via @celisa_mia

19. Ah, that s such an amazing and warm feeling.

Via @catbakermom

Ah, after seeing such amazing cat content I always feel good and smiley. Have you ever named your cat something silly? Tell us what it is in the comments down below…


What do you think?