There are many instances where entitled people will act so high and mighty as they are everything in the world or as they deserve more than others. They would project all the blame on you and do you know what happens when somebody projects all the blame on you? Sometimes we think that if we had actually done anything even though we haven’t committed any mistake. Of course, there are tons of people like this and there is a number of ways to deal with them, the best way is to ignore them all.
A Redditor posted under the subreddit (AITAH) Am I The A**hole about their neighbor barrelling in rage after ‘their’ avocados were given away to someone else. At first glance you would think that OP would be the automatic a**hole in this situation, I mean why would you give away someone’s stuff?
But then OP narrated that they have an orchard of trees which was started by her late grandmother. Since there was a lot of production, they decided to give it away for free to people who wanted it. So what happened was this was taken advantage of by the neighbor wherein one of the Avacado trees was in reach from her side and picks from there. One day someone came to OP’s door and asked for two baskets of Avacados which were nothing of a problem for OP.
The next day OP’s neighbor banged on her door. Keep on scrolling to know why and make sure you watch it till the end.
1. So this is the original post under the subreddit
via: Ok_Spot_5629
2. Well that’s so many trees
via: Ok_Spot_5629
3. That’s simply a beautiful gesture of kindness
via: Ok_Spot_5629
4. OP is a kind hearted lady not a stingy woman
via: Ok_Spot_5629
via: Ok_Spot_5629
6. I just hate it when someone bang down front door
via: Ok_Spot_5629
7. But she’s only doing it for the community, not for any profit-based plans etc
via: Ok_Spot_5629
8. It’s not a problem for them if they never succeed in growing trees
via: Ok_Spot_5629
9. I don’t think so, what do you think about this?
Apparently, that neighbor has been selling avocados she gets for free to a restaurant, and she had a deal with the restaurant to be an exclusive supplier for the avocados. Now here the story gets sums up, the person who came with the two baskets was the owner’s daughter who eventually found out where the neighbor was getting the avocados from. The deal between them was terminated because the person from the restaurant would just come by to get free Avocados from OP’s place. They did offer money in exchange for the fruits, but it was not the OP’s or her mother’s belief that they should be sold because of her grandmother’s death. The neighbor then accused OP and her mother for the tragedy, claiming that they were her Avocados and hurling insults at them.
via: Ok_Spot_5629
10. Point to be noted here
via: Ok_Spot_5629
11. Well, that’s a lot of avocados
via: Ok_Spot_5629
12. This user is making clear points and they are fair
via: Ok_Spot_5629
13. Harvesting fruit isn’t that easy of a job
via: Ok_Spot_5629
14. Well, there were people with weird conclusions
via: Ok_Spot_5629
15. Now this user is speaking something genuine, she should charge a nominal fee so people don’t entitle her as her mad neighbor
via: Ok_Spot_5629
16. Yeah it seems like a fair trade to me too
via: Ok_Spot_5629
17. I totally agree with this, what do you think?
via: Ok_Spot_5629
18. Yeah NTA
via: Ok_Spot_5629
19. Double Win everywhere
via: Ok_Spot_5629
20. Both
via: Ok_Spot_5629
21. Now this user is speaking facts
via: Ok_Spot_5629
22. MoultingRoach is also right, she could plant her own only if she wanted
via: Ok_Spot_5629
23. True Enough
via: Ok_Spot_5629
24. It’s not that easy to grow avocados tree period
via: Ok_Spot_5629
25. They aren’t even the neighbors what the hell man?
via: Ok_Spot_5629
26. Neighbor has been doing this for years that’s simply pathetic
via: Ok_Spot_5629
27. NTA for sure
via: Ok_Spot_5629
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