Why can’t they just sit still for a while?
Anyone that has pets will know how hard it is to capture the perfect picture of your pet. They just do not sit still in one place. Animals are fun loving creatures and they like to play around. Sometimes they do something extraordinary which makes us immediately take out our cameras but by the time we click the picture, they stop doing what they were doing. It is almost impossible to take perfectly timed pictures of your pets. However, sometimes luck is on our side and with a few photography tricks, we capture once in a lifetime pictures of our pets that we can frame in the hall of fame. Everybody loves animal pictures. To make an image go viral, we have to make sure it is perfectly timed and taken at just the right moment and then our pet will bring smiles to thousands of faces. That is why we compiled 22 pictures of animals that were perfectly timed to make your day. Scroll down below to see them:
1. Guys nooooo!!!
2. Why is this catto so angry?
3. Oh heck, he fell.
4. Dominating the selfie game.
5. “Oops! Something is really wrong with my cage.”
6. “Ok, now you can help me.”
7. “My friend’s dog is not happy about leaving the dog park early!”
Wow, luck was really on these people’s side if they captured amazing pictures like these. The photos of my pets in my phone mostly include my cats running around and blurry images of them doing interesting things that I failed to capture. All ai have are memories of their shenanigans that I will not be able to share with the rest of the world. Maybe one day I will get lucky enough to take pictures like these of my cats as well. We are only halfway through the article, scroll down below for more pictures.
8. How did he get stuck inside?
9. “Hey, you’re back!”
10. “Mice in the house? Call 911!”
11. Look at this tiny ball.
12. “Stop working and play with me right now!”
13. “Now I’ll close my eyes and you’ll never find me.”
14. “How do those flies do it? I need to learn.”
15. Look at this bad boy.
© CarbonCarnageGlitch13 / Imgur
Do you think these pictures were impressive? Have you ever taken a picture of your pet at just the right moment? Share them with us in the comments below!