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35 Pictures Of Dogs Growing Up That Prove They Grow Up Very Fast

Dogs grow up way too fast.

We want them to be puppies forever, not only because they look so damn adorable but also because we don’t want them to pass away. Dogs have a short time in this world as it is. That is probably why most people like to savour the moments they spend with their dog, so they don’t later come to regret. However, it is never easy seeing your dog grow up so fast. In only as little time as a year, a dog can go from a small puppy to a full-grown adult.

And then you start missing their baby years when they shuffled all over the place and were always sleeping. Now they are always high in energy and want to go on walks nonstop. It doesn’t make one love them any less, but it can be surprising. As we all know, time passes us by quite fast when one is having fun. And with a dog in your life, there is no way it cannot be fun. So why not take a look at some transformations?

Just scroll below and look at the doggos all grown up.

Source: Twitter

The person who started it all.


#1 Still the sad face.


#2 Never too big for a hug.


#3 Remaining small.


#4 Still as majestic as ever.


#5 The fur is curlier than before.


#6 Heavy weight.

#7 The ears are adorable.


#8 All the bling one could want.

#9 Sleeping in the backseat.


#10 Contented floof.

#11 Always loved going on walks.


#12 Picking him requires a bit more strength now.

#13 As happy as ever.


#14 A baby poodle.

#15 The one that got away.


#16 This beautiful black dog.

No matter how big dogs get, they don’t always have a sense of how heavy they are. So even if they have turned into a big bear, they will still want you to pick them up and cuddle with them like before. I say even if it breaks your back, the dog deserves to be treated the same. Because at the end of the day, aren’t we all babies in our hearts? And I would go even as far as to say dogs are perpetual babies that never actually grow up in their minds. And that is just one of the reasons why we love them so much.

#17 Those eyes say it all.


#18 Mirror selfies for days.

#19 A big bear.


#20 Still here.

#21 ‘Look at what I found, hooman!’


#22 His favorite pillow.

#23 Living life with a big smile.


#24 Buttercup is adorable.

#25 But a beautiful bean nonetheless.


#26 Going to need a carriage now.

#27 Still happy to be cradled.


#28 Cuddling with mommy.

#29 The puppy dog eyes.


#30 The black shine is majestic.

#31 A brush might be necessary.


#32 Always a sports fan.

#33 Some things never change.


#34 ‘Pick me up like a baby.’

#35 ‘Do I get more treats?’


The transformations are pretty fast, and it is beautiful to see these doggos all grown up. How long did it take your puppy to become a full-fledged adult, or are they still growing? Comment down below and let us know.


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