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Photographer Captures Pictures Of Maine Coon Cats And They Look Glorious

Maine Coons are one of the coolest cat breeds out there.

Now, we know that no breed is superior to the other, but Maine Coon Cats hold a special place in our hearts. They are one of the largest cat breeds, and also one of the fluffiest. They are very playful and because of their extraordinary size, they are usually referred to as “the gentle giants.”

As if Maine Coons weren’t majestic enough, photographer Robert Sijka takes photos of them and they actually look like mythical creatures in these shots! He takes the photos from perfect angles, which compliment the cats’ amazing bone structures and fixates our eyes on their beauty. You won’t know what I’m talking about unless you see it for yourselves. Scroll down below for his amazing photography:

1. Beautiful.


2. A white Maine Coon


3. Those eyes!


4. So graceful.


5. This one has such a unique face.


6. Such a pretty colour pattern.


7. Mouth open.

8. Those claws!


9. This is a different colour.

If you’re passionate about cats, here are some facts about Maine Coons. They are the largest domestic cat breed. Also, did you know that they are great hunters? Robert Sijka is also passionate about cats, hence his photography. “My passions are cats and photography, I do my best to combine these two things as good as possible,” he shares on his website

10. Here is the majestic creature in its full glory.


11. Magical!

12. Relaxing.


13. This one is relatively small.

14. Baby!


15. Twinning.

16. About to catch you!


17. Laid back.

18. Family.


19. So intense.

What did you think of these? Show him some love on his website, Facebook, and Twitter.


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