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17 Very Dumb Questions Asked By Helicopter Moms On Internet

Internet and mothers can result in some proper hilarity.

What I am trying to deliver here is that technology and parents, if we speak broadly, don’t gel too well. If we see such a combination, we can expect the results to be quite dumb and hilarious. For parents, there is n doubt their children are absolutely everything to them. Everything that they do is centered around the happiness of their children. They just wish to do everything in their power to become the best parents possible for them, doing the right upbringing, fulfilling all their wishes, and so on. Given how to touch parenting is, no one should go hard on parents who are actually trying hard to be good at it.

There are some very good books out there that provide parents with some of the best parenting tips and in today’s era of social media, mothers often turn to platforms like Facebook and Twitter to ask questions related to parenting, just to become better at it. Well, some of the questions asked to resolve parenting issues are pretty rationale but there also exist some really dumb ones as well. Every story has 2 sides so they were bound to exist. You won’t believe the ridiculousness in some of these questions asked by mothers on random groups on Facebook.

Scroll down below for some hilarity!

1. You realize humans have to go through a certain act that then results in the woman being pregnant. Maybe you sould’ve tried scheduling that better to cater your “excitement” for your first baby.


Source: Reddit

2. Hold on a minute, I require more elaboration on this plan because with what I read, I am weirded out.


3. Have you tried asking the toddler instead of the internet?


4. No matter how big of a paragraph you write, the answer will always be “No”.


5. An electric what?


6. I didn’t know watching a show where animals come to life was only a girls’ thing.


7.How did she even thing it would be right to ask such a question?

8. Maam, you were just having a wet dream. That’s all.


9. Thanks for the unwanted information.

I feel like these are fake questions, people are doing it for one. Or else, how could these moms be so dumb. I am sorry for my language but these questions are absolutely ridiculous if we take the hilarious aspect into account, they absolutely killed it in that department. Knowingly or unknowingly, that remains a question but we are concerned with funny content and I believe we are getting it.

10. Couple of slaps and a lecture on why anger management will lead him to limitless success, it is a very good essential oil.


11. Have you, maybe, tried going to the freakin doctor?

Source: Reddit

12. Maybe start off by not cursing in front of them.


13. I am so done.

14. You have got to be kidding me with this one.


15. It’s a 3 year old, not 18. Stop it.

16. Any tips? You need to restart your brain, perhaps that will make you realize that the damn kid is unvaccinated.


17. Perhaps it is what she thinks it is.

Source: Reddit

I really hope you guys enjoyed it. Parenting leads to some really good content for us to enjoy, that’s for sure.

Share your thoughts in the comments section down below.


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