Living with a cat is not easy.
Don’t get me wrong, it is 100% worth it. But that doesn’t mean that it is always rainbows and peaches. I mean cats can create a lot of chaos around the house and you have to get used to their weird behavior. Now, I am a big fan of cats and I absolutely adore them but there are also times when I just can’t help but laugh at how absurd their behavior can get. From climbing up on things that are not meant to be climbed upon to hiding under the blankets, you never know what you are going to get with a cat.
And that is exactly why living with a cat is so much. You might think that people would get annoyed but this is expected and who even wants a normal and boring life? Waking up with a cat sleeping on your face so you can’t breathe is just the highlight of every cat owner’s day and who needs to breathe anyway? That is just what these comic strips show. The show all the highs and the lows of having a cat and yes it is very relatable.
So just scroll below to have a look and enjoy.
#1 At first, you think they are just showing their love towards you and then they start to eat you.
The hand-grabbing motion is actually quite accurate. It is as if your hand is their favorite meal and trying to get it away from them only angers them so I wouldn’t recommend it.
#2 This is my work is always late.
This excuse is much better than the age-old ‘my dog ate my homework’.
#3 Honestly, cats usually run at the first sign of water.
This is all very true and loads of other people with cats will agree with me on this. Your cat never likes it when you are doing something other than paying attention to the kitty. After all, the kitty owns you.
#4 They only want to play with you when you are too tired to even get up.
#5 Thankfully, this has never happened to me but cats do always want more food.
#6 They want attention at the most inopportune times.
I can’t even count the times I have lost a game just because my cat wandered in and tried to bite my feet or get on my lap. But whenever I am bored and want to play with him, he just runs away.
#7 It is well known in the cat community that one should never get up when they have cats sleeping on them.
#8 How is this so accurate? Is every cat like this?
#9 They will even try to clean themselves when you have just brushed them as if somehow you have inconvenienced them.
#10 I wonder what is under the blanket.
#11 Their sleep schedule is all messed up.
#12 Or they will pee on the bed. At least that is what happens to me.
What are your thoughts on these comic strips? Did you find these relatable? Does your cat do these things or is your kitty different? Let us know in the comments down below and don’t forget to share with your friends to spread the joy of these adorable and funny comics.