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19 Times Animals Just Stole All the Thunder In Their Selfies

Animals’ selfies can bring a smile to anyone’s face.

There is not a single day in our lives when we don’t take a selfie. Taking selfies with families and friends is normal but have you ever taken selfies with animals? Yes, you heard it right. There are people who like taking selfies with animals and trust me, animals can take your selfie game to another level. You would get thousands of likes on social media and people would be amazed to see your bonding with pets. Today, we have some of the adorable selfies of people with animals and birds. We are sure, these selfies would make you say “aww”. So, scroll down and catch on the adorability of these animals.

1. Selfie with the favorite person.


© adoptadoggo / Imgur

2. Selfie with my handsome man.


© Dr**kOnSocks / Reddit

3. He saw a squirrel mid-selfie.


© FastgrannyC / Reddit

4. When she wants you to take a selfie with her.


© thebestestofthebest / Reddit

5. Selfie with alpaca.


© k_slam / Reddit

Do we need to mention, how photogenic he is?

6. When she wants to take a selfie with dad.


© CouldHaveBeenH***er / Imgur

7. When you want to be in the photo so you sit on daddy’s arm.

© Unknown / Reddit

8. Had afternoon tea with alpacas, ended up taking selfies.


© thingyonaspring / Reddit

9. “I trained my Great Dane to take selfies with me. If I’m sitting and extend my arm with my phone in hand, she plops up next to me, leans, and gives the camera this look.”

© merrell0 / Reddit

We all need to train our pets to take selfies with us. Animals are adorable and look better than us in front of the camera. We believe these animals are photogenic and if they start acting in movies, they would steal the limelight. They even pose for selfies which is melting our hearts. Wish we could get a selfies with any animal like these people. They are lucky to get the purrfect shot. Scroll down to see more adorable selfies.

10. Selfie with Tom in office.


© ksmitttyy / Reddit

11. Selfie with the squirrel.

© denilee_1 / Reddit

Why it looks surprised though?

12. Meet Jill. He knows how to pose for selfies.


© DevittsDemon / Reddit

13. She always likes to face backward so why not a mirror selfie?

© Dearness / Reddit

14. “I let a sloth take a selfie with my phone in the Amazon.”


© cheeyoon / Imgur© NameChanger / Imgur

15. “I’ve been dreaming of this moment since Belle and Snow White showed me how it’s done.”

© howdeedodee / Reddit

Who would not capture this moment?

16. Selfie with a raccoon.


© UshankaBear / Reddit

17. When all you want is a selfie with your cat.

© rejeverdeen / Reddit

She was not ready for it but that’s okay.

18. “10 hours at work. I was sore and tired when this little guy decided to visit and make my day.”


© bootstompinghippie / Reddit

19. Selfie with deer.

© Buttlet / Reddit

What a happy deer! We wonder what made her smile for the selfie. Well, our beautiful animals are rocking these selfies and we are in love with each of them. Which one of these is your favorite? Comment down to let us know which animal would you like to take a selfie with?


What do you think?