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Son Photoshops His Father Into Movie Scenes And Odd Places (30 Pics)

What’s the warmest way to show love to your dad? Photoshop his pictures into movie scenes.

There are numerous methods by which you can express your affection and love for your parents. One approach is to offer them a gift, such as a cup that says “world’s best parent” or a portrait of themselves that was created in their likeness. Alternatively, you might simply call them more frequently and pay them a visit. Matt Bonito, a young man from New York, chose to express his affection for his father, Dom Bonito, in a unique way.


Matt began to produce photoshops of his father in various settings, including movies, music videos, historical events, and a variety of other bizarre settings. The drawings that Matt does are pretty amusing, and they usually take you by surprise. And Dom has the potential to become whatever he has always wanted to be: an actor, a singer, or a politician. At the very least, he should be able to laugh at himself and imagine himself in odd scenarios.

Let’s scroll down to have a look at some of these hilariously photoshopped images!

1. Can you spot the father in Beatles Abbey road scene!

Via the_dadvent

Here is what Matt stated about why and when he started photoshopping these images: “I started doing it about 6 or 7 years ago, just taking pictures of my dad messing about around the house and posting it on Facebook. My dad used to be a teacher at the local high school, which makes him a bit of a local celebrity where he lives. The posts became really popular among my (and his) friends. I then came up with the idea of inserting him into famous historical images, and then films and TV programs.”

2. Oh, Hi Uncle Rose!

Via the_dadvent

3. Uncle Dom looks such a happy soul here.

Via the_dadvent

“He absolutely loves doing it and looks forward to it every year, even though it’s quite a lot of work to put together, but he’s a performer at heart, so he really enjoys himself (and the attention he gets!)”

4. Dom will fight with his Super-Vacuum Cleaner!

Via the_dadvent

5. Dad as the famous IT clown.

Via the_dadvent

Here’s what Matt’s father reacted on his first ever photoshopped image: “The first year of doing it was just pictures of him doing silly things around the house, and we didn’t start photoshopping until the second year. He thought it was a great idea, though, and looks forward to it as much as anyone else.”

6. Dom and his cute little flat cap!

Via the_dadvent

7. Uncle Dom can feel the backache of this girl!

Via the_dadvent

Matt told us more about his father: “My dad used to be a teacher at the local high school, and was quite a popular one, which is why so many people were initially excited by the idea, although he’s in his 80s now and long since retired. Beyond that, he’s a musician and has been playing regularly since the ’60s, and has done a lot of local theatre over the years, so he’s a performer at heart, which is why he always enjoys ‘acting’ for the pictures every year,”

8. Dad in Spooky Season 2021: The Shining (1980) .

Via the_dadvent

9. Uncle Dom should be hired for Beetlejuice’s next season.

Via the_dadvent

“I’m a graphic designer by trade, so I’ve been working with Photoshop for a long time (although you wouldn’t know it to look at some of my early efforts!). I’ve also inherited my dad’s musical talents—playing guitar, piano, drums, and singing—and have played in various bands over the years, although COVID means I won’t be performing anywhere any time soon!”

10. Looks like Dad is giving scene directions to Heath Ledger.

Via the_dadvent

11. Oh Gosh! Doesn’t this side face of dad looks like Stan Lee without beard in this picture?

Via the_dadvent

A few miles away from Cambridge in the UK, Matt’s father lives in a tiny town, and Matt and his girlfriend live with their slightly agitated cat nearby. We also learned a little more about his relationship with his father: “My dad and I get on so well. We try to have dinner together at least once a week when the subject of Dadvent usually comes up. He’s basically an older version of me, so it’s nice to just hang out sometimes.”

12. Dad is a good fit for this role in Home Alone!

Via the_dadvent

13. Dad.Walking.Dead!

Via the_dadvent

Matt shared more about his editing: “Just the creativity of it all. More so when we put him into famous films, I try to choose serious scenes that are made comedy by my dad’s inclusion, like turning the ‘say hello to my little friend’ scene in Scarface into a failed banjo lesson.”

14. This blue beard is just perfect!

Via the_dadven

15. Hey Thor, best of luck with this FLUSH PUMP!

Via the_dadvent

When asked what’s his favorite image is. The artist replied: “I’d have to say the Kim Kardashian one is a favorite for both of us, although the ET one comes a close second because it’s such a stupid image.”

16. This photoshopped image looks so real!

Via the_dadvent

17. “Darth Vedar, your father is here!”

via the_dadvent

Matt shared what inspired this idea in the first place: “I’d seen other people doing advent calendar posts on Facebook—pictures of cute animals and stuff like that—but I thought it would just be funny to post pictures of my dad doing stupid things. It was only ever intended for my friends and family, but it got so popular that we’ve now got dedicated pages for it right across social media. The photoshopping came about purely because my dad’s kitchen is the only place in his house that has decent lighting, so rather than have him constantly doing things in just one room, I decided to cut him out and stick him in other places. The outfit he wears came from one of the early posts we did in the first year, and we thought it would be good to stick with it to make him look even more out of place in the images.”

18. He’s not even worried about the fire.

Via the_dadvent

19. That’s what we call “Perfection”

Via the_dadvent

“The whole thing takes quite a bit of effort. Coming up with the ideas for each post, finding time to take the pictures, as well as the photoshopping itself. I don’t have any professional photography gear, so all the photos are taken on my phone, which means a lot of work has to go into finding the right conditions to take the pictures. I either have to position my dad in places around the house where I can get the right kind of lighting, or wait for the right weather conditions for pictures that need to be taken outside. As you can see, some work is better than others. The year he broke his leg was quite difficult, and obviously doing everything in 2020 whilst maintaining social distance was quite tricky (thank god for optical zoom!), but it’s always such a fun thing to do, and it gives me a reason to hang out with my dad.”

20. Thanks Uncle Dom for these tissue papers!

Via the_dadvent

21. Uncle Dom’s straight stare into your soul is enough to kill you.

Via the_dadvent

22. Dad is baffled as to how she is being held up without the usage of any wires!


23. Le Uncle Dom: “What the heck is going on here, and how did I end myself here?”

Via the_dadvent

24. Dad in The Jeremy Kyle Show!

Via the_dadvent

25. Games Of Doms!

Via the_dadvent

26. Star Wars Throne Room – Tales of Maora: Dad’s Version!

Via the_dadvent

27. Dad inspects how did Andy get out of the jail in the Shawshank Redemption.

Via the_dadvent

28. This image is enough to give you a cringe laugh.

Via the_dadvent

29. Dad have no idea what’s going on here.

Via the_dadvent

30. Uncle Dom be like: Slow down, Sandra!

Via the_dadvent

Which Uncle Dom photoshopped picture caught your attention the most? Let us know in the comments section below.


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