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50 Times Tinder Matches Sent Ridiculously Awkward Messages And Got Shamed Online

Dating is tough especially when you are dating in a digital world. Swiping left and right, reading descriptions, and receiving creepy yet hilarious yet creepy messages on Tinder is what is considered a new normal.

The vast majority of us use Tinder, and many of us are successful in our quest to find the perfect match for ourselves on the app. However,  at times there are people who receive so many creepy text messages with hilarious opening lines that make them go straight block.

These screenshots can be found all over the internet, and we have compiled a list of some of the best responses one can receive while dating on Tinder. Thanks to Tinder Nightmare, an Instagram account with more than 1.9 million followers for providing a platform where strangers can share their hilarious conversations. So, just read these hilarious messages and we are sure these Tinder chats are enough to make your room full of laughter.

1. This son is DEAD!

Via tindernightmares

2. Now sit back with this burnt butt!

Via tindernightmares

3. That was quick!

Via tindernightmares

Using these apps can be quite a time-consuming process to find your significant others. Hayley Quinn, a dating coach who helps both men and women build their confidence, make friends, and reclaim their mojo, helped us gain a better understanding of the world of online dating.

According to her: “Online dating has given people the opportunity to meet and date far more people than they would have been able to do in real life,” Furthermore, it has served as “a valuable lifeline for singles during the pandemic.”

She does, however, question whether all of these options are beneficial to her. In her opinion “Some people argue that dating apps have made people not want commitment,”

She said. “In my opinion, dating apps aren’t good or evil, they just reflect social trends and people’s behavior. So if you’re not getting what you want from dating apps, look at how you’re interacting with the app first before you decide they don’t work!”

4. A creative rejection!

Via tindernightmares

5. Well, that’s a better love story than the fairytale movies.

Via tindernightmares

There’s no doubt that online dating apps have their own advantages especially for “time-poor young professionals.” These folks can at least go out with someone.

According to Quinn: “If you live in a geographically remote area, [dating apps] also give you the ability to meet and interact with people,” she also added. “Meeting in real life does have some advantages though: your dates are likely to be less flakey, and have more in common with you, particularly if you met through friends.”

Just on the way the person looks or based on their descriptions, a person can search for their partner. “However, what’s more important than looks for long-term happiness is how someone interacts with you: are they consistent? Is it easy to communicate with them? Do they make time for you in the real world, or are they more interested in getting followers on social media?”

6….and that’s how their journey begins!

Via tindernightmare

7. This man is already full of hilarious dad jokes.

Via tindernightmares

According to the dating coach: “We’ve all had nightmarish dating experiences, so rest assured you’re not alone, and don’t create the belief that because a bad experience happened once that it will happen again,” She continued. “When you’re dating online, be careful of how much information you reveal before you get to know someone,”

She also explained the advantages of these online dating apps. How the majority of people now can do a video call meeting before meeting in person.

Hayley Quinn advised: “This might be safer than sending them your phone number. Always meet in a public place and tell a friend what your plans are. If you regularly don’t click with your dates, try to have a video chat in the app to check out the chemistry before committing to meet them IRL,”

8. Just chop him off!

via tindernightmares

9. This is a freaking awesome response one can give.

Via tindernightmares

Another dating guru James Preece once said that people should look at these dating apps as a tool “Your success comes only through using them the right way.”

In an interview, he once stated that many people are unaware “because they aren’t sure what to do.” so they just upload their first picture from their gallery and write a brief description or few sentences about themselves.

“This can become a real challenge as you’ll only see similar low-quality profiles. There are a lot of timewasters on the apps, so it can be tough to wade through them and realize who might be worth your time.”

He recommended that: “Online dating is fast and something you can do from your home and without having to approach anyone,” he noted. “This limits the risk of rejection but also means people can hide behind their phone.”

10. Someone please give this guy ice to soothe his burn…

Via tindernightmares

11. Oops! best of luck, bro.

Via tindernightmares

Attending face-to-face events, going to parties, and participating in events “can allow a much higher chance of a connection.” Such kind of encounters requires more effort from both parties and have a higher cost.

Preece said “A mixture of both online and offline is going to boost your chances as you are taking some form of action,”

You should keep in mind while finding and meeting a great match on Tinder “You have to market yourself the right way,” the dating guru advised. “If you just do it half-heartedly then you’ll only have below average results. Never forget that your profile is an advert for you.” So, just have your expectations clear.

12. Nice continuation!

Via tindernightmares

13. Well, that was a cute one.

Via tindernightmares

There are two things to do if you are having nightmares about this app. Then Preece says: “Firstly, give it a break and consider deleting the account and starting again. This time round, use great photos and make a full effort on a different app with a different database.”

Or else you can take experience from dating coaches: “We can help put the fun back into the whole experience by shortcutting the process and showing you how to use the apps the right way.”

14. This one is going to make you laugh!

Via tindernightmares

15. Here’s the adult version of “twinkle twinkle little star” and it’s damn hilarious!

Via tindernightmares

James Preece concluded. “If you end up interacting with horrific people, then please make sure you report them to the site. That way, they’ll remove them and stop others from having the same bad experience as you. Most people will be nice, but if everyone stands up against the losers and helps each other, the apps will be more productive,”

16. After reading this convo, we gave up as well!

Via tindernightmares

17. That’s how a psycho sends a message on Tinder!

Via tindernightmares

18. That was a much-needed response, girl! *slow-claps*

Via tindernightmares

19. That’s the right answer!

Via tindernightmares

20. Dumb and Dumber!

Via tindernightmares

21. A single typo can ruin your whole mood!


22. Oh man! someone call the fire department, please.

Via tindernightmares

23. You nailed it, girl.


24. Cringy yet hilarious!

Via tindernightmares

25. That was sharp!

Via tindernightmares

26. …and you look like a complete dumb!

Via tindernightmares

27. Hilarious!

Via tindernightmares

28. This man doesn’t have a clue how dumb he is.

Via tindernightmares

29. Well, technically it’s algebra, neither Geology nor Geometry!


30. Love the final response!

Via tindernightmares

31. Ah! here you lose, man…*blocked*

Via tindernightmares

32. Sometimes, these responses are so damn good.


33…or maybe try again later with more respect!

Via tindernightmares

34. There’s nothing more annoying than getting text messages in this way.

Via tindernightmare

35. *straight blocked*

via tindernightmare

36. Why don’t these guys change their approach?

Via tindernightmare

37. When you both are mathematic teachers.

Via tindernightmares

38. Wonder how much time it took to make this creative proposal?

Via tindernightmares

39. That’s why opening lines matters a lot!

Via tindernightmares

40. Here’s a red flag, Alyssa!

Via tindernightmares

41. Pretty long response tho!

Via tindernightmares

42. When you get used to rejections, you start answering your own questions like a dumb man.

Via tindernightmares

43. After reading this message, we hate it too.

Via tindernightmares

44. Oh gosh! best one so far.

Via tindernightmares

45. That was smooth AF.

Via tindernightmares

46. That’s actually funny!

Via tindernightmares

47. Poor Scott!

Via tindernightmares

48. Confidence level: Infinity!

Via tindernightmares

49. The best use of Obama’s meme face!

Via tindernightmares

50. That was close!

Via tindernightmares

Ever received hilarious Tinder messages? If yes, then don’t forget to share those messages with us in the comments area below!


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