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Train Passenger Takes Petty Revenge On Karen Who Uses Their Seat To Put Their Bag On

Entitlement is a poisonous disease for the person entitled and those around that person.

When your brain refuses to believe you are ever wrong, know that you have been infected by a deadly disease known as “entitled”. No amount of revenge or lesson-learning will ever show them the right path because that ego is so heavily inflated and their ability to properly judge a situation is clouded by that terrible disease.

You can spot a Karen from miles away because they always be doing something out of the blue and incorrect. And trust me they will never accept the fact that they were in the wrong or they can ever do something wrong…ironically while doing something wrong. In order to deal with a Karen you get stuck up with for whatever reason, you are left with no option but to either maliciously comply or take petty revenge to deal with her and teach her a solid lesson. That lesson does temporarily hit that woman right where you want to hit her but slowly the ego inflates once again and the cycle of entitlement continues.

Something similar happened with a Reddit user u/Zulera301 who met a Karen on their train journey. Karen had taken OP’s seat to use it as a carrier for her bag. The only way to teach a lesson to her OP could think was by taking petty revenge, and they did.

Scroll down below to read the event to know how it all went down.

1. OP got on a pretty busy train to see their family for the holidays.


Via u/Zulera301

2. OP got on board just in time only to find out an entitled woman had put her bag on their seat and would refuse to put it away. OP called the attendant and got the matter resolved but that was not the end of it, OP wanted more.


Via u/Zulera301

3. OP decided to annoy Karen further by playing SimCity for the remainder of his journey. He kept the sound muted to avoid being told to shut the laptop down. A weird yet excellent way to teach Karen a lesson.


Via u/Zulera301

Here’s what the Redditors had to say on this:

4. Ouch!


Via u/Zulera301

5. These old b*tches are actually the ones who are filled with entitlement.


Via u/Zulera301

6. My guy actually tried to convince the lady it was best for the two friends to sit together. Hilarious!


Via u/Zulera301

None of this dumb drama would’ve ever existed had Karen simply moved her bag away and allowed OP to sit. But no, she just had to refuse because acceptance would’ve hurt her ego beyond repair. OP playing the game was basically the result of Karen’s stupid decision, she ended up annoying herself if I am being honest.

7. People were happy OP took a stand and got his seat.

Via u/Zulera301

8. I got that reference.


Via u/Zulera301

9. Oh my god that conversation must’ve been so cringy.

Via u/Zulera301

10. It was the best.


Via u/Zulera301

11. Those people make their own life a joke.

Via u/Zulera301

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below. How would you deal with a Karen if you ever met a situation with her?

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via biased_towards_blue

Cat tax.

“Fulfilled my lifetime dream and adopted my first cat today from a rescue! He doesn’t have a name yet but he sure has my heart.”


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