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Tumblr Post Destroys Marriage Expectations And Everyone Needs To Read It

“You will eventually find someone.”

That is something you hear a lot in your twenties. You have been programmed to think someone will enter your life someday and complete you. They will accept your flaws and fix parts of you that are broken. But the reality of life is that sometimes you don’t always find that special someone. Sometimes it is just you against the world. Why does marriage have to be the end goal? Can’t you enjoy your life as it is? Isn’t there anything else left to achieve in life? The truth is, you might die alone, but it isn’t as bad as it sounds. Having a romantic interest won’t complete you. The satisfaction you have with your own life is what will give you inner peace at the end of the day.

This Tumblr post focused on girls that are in their 20s and are treated like a ticking bomb. They are told that they will expire soon if they do not find someone to love in their twenties. The Tumblr post destroyed the need for marriage expectations and every young girl who hasn’t found the “love of their life” needs to read this. Scroll down below to read the whole post:

Via u/hmmhmm25

You don’t just have to love another human romantically. Love can be distributed in a lot of ways.


“One day you will find someone” is a lie because some people really don’t find someone and that isn’t as bad as it sounds.


You can complete your life by doing the things you love and spreading positivity around the world.


Your whole life does not and should not depend on one person.


People unnecessarily feel bad for not fitting society’s expectations of finding people at a specific age. There are more things to worry about in life. There are so many things one can love and enjoy. You do not need someone to complete your life. Sure, finding the love of your life can be the cherry on top, but your life can be perfectly fine without them too. Don’t stress out because you haven’t found someone. There is more to life than just that.

This is how people reacted to the Tumblr post:


Your terf mother seems like a terrible person, sorry.


It is not an obligation.

Keep reminding yourself of this.


It isn’t that bad!

The truth has been spoken.


You are completely fine on your own.


Timetables exist everywhere and need to stop existing.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree with the post? Share your opinion with us in the comments below!


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