Every dog is a lap dog.
Yes, Even Irish Wolfhounds even though they can grow to be quite huge. Not only that but usually they are heavier than most humans. However, dogs don’t understand their size and will try to sit on your lap even when they’re bigger than you. And though it might break your legs, it is worth it at the end of the day. While it is understandable that it is quite daunting to take care of such a big dog, they are actually quite lovable under the surface.
In my experience, bigger dogs are much more calmer than small dogs. And Irish wolfhounds are just big goofs. While I am not saying that everyone should run out and adopt a wolfhound right now, they are adorable creatures who are very loyal. And it seems people who have wolfhounds love to compare their size with other things to show just how big they can get. And you can see these chuckle-worthy pictures for yourself by scrolling below.
#1 This is sort of scary but adorable at the same time.

#2 Does the doggo care that he might squish his hooman? Not really.

#3 All I can think about is what a hassle it would be to bathe these big doggos.

#4 Can you count how many dogs are in this one picture?

#5 Every family photo should be like this.

#6 This is a lovely photo and these two clearly have a great friendship.

#7 I hope this doggo has many more lovely birthdays!

Irish Wolfhounds are known for their calm nature but they can also be quite courageous in the right situations. They were first bred for hunting and they’re actually quite ferocious fighters if you train them well. But they have been domesticated since then or are used as farm hands. And you might think that they are hard to groom because of their size but they d not require a daily or regular washing.
They are also great to keep as family pets and they are great with children though you should always supervise when your pet interacts with your child. All in all, they are a great breed to keep as pets as long as you have the space necessary for them to roam free.
#8 I am not sure the cat is completely happy with the two dogs hogging the whole sofa.

#9 This picture shows the size difference between two dogs.

#10 Going on a walk with these three must be quite a high-intensity workout.

#11 Who knew dogs liked Ice-cream so much?

#12 The best place to nap is right beside your best friend.

#13 The dog’s paw is bigger than the humans and he has some fantastic nails.

Have you ever thought of getting a wolfhound or do you already have one? If so do they try to sit on your lap as well? Let us know in the comments down below. And don’t forget to share these pictures with your friends so they can marvel at these gentle giants as well.