There are a variety of ways to view the world. Some people only see things in black and white, while others see shades of grey. Some people see it objectively, while others see it through a prism of their own making. Toon Hole, a brilliant website dedicated to hilariously absurd cartoons, offers one of the most unique points of view on the internet.
To put it simply, they draw stuff. And as you can see, they’re very good at it. Aside from reimagining the meaning of “baby shower,” Toon Hole roasts everything from politics and democracy to cartoons like Adventure Time and Pokemon Go with their humorous take on reality. It’s honestly quite interesting to see such a unique take on mundane things. Well, all of these might not be mundane, but nonetheless, we see things from a different perspective and it’s refreshing, to say the least.
Scroll down to enjoy some of the dark and hilarious humour!
1. A smattering of laughter and a sense of togetherness.
2. Wish these aliens could save us from evil!
3. A Sad Reality!
4. Modern Love Problems Requires Modern Solutions!
5. That escalated quickly.
6. Can they really survive?
7. Well, at least he’s not in bed.
8. A Permanent Leave!
9. Everyone looks so healthy!
10. Sleeping Beauty in real life.
11. What’s the fun in that?
12. A Blind Date with Dark Humor!
13. This doctor surely knows how to have fun.
14. Reality of Insta-snap Millennials!
15. Oh Dad! You are hilarious.
16. Didn’t see that coming.
17. When the economy is a little too bad.
18. This is just a post!
19. Someone please listen to him.
20. Economy in a nutshell!
21. Did not see that coming…
22. And they lived happily ever after.
23. Reality of today’s era.
24. Too much makeup!
25. Well, isn’t that a booger eating problem?
This is exactly why you need to be careful and make a not-so-vague wish. You never know what you might get!
In his work as a comic book artist, Tony makes use of irony and witty humor to explore difficult subjects like religion, sexuality, and science fiction. The harsh reality of today’s world is depicted in many of his comics. If it’s an overweight man winning a marathon in a video game, or an elderly man urging his grandchild to enjoy the concert rather than making videos, then it’s a no-brainer. In these comics, everything seems to be so real to us all. And for some odd reason, this all seems so hilarious to us. But shouldn’t we be re-evaluating everything in our lives as well? Here is something we won’t think about!
There is no way anyone can deny or resist the truth depicted in this illustration by this artist. Hats off to his imagination and hard work! Scroll down for more of these amazing comics.
26. Well, at least they are listening to him.
27. This is what we call the “Friend Zone”
Ever been in a situation where you are not interested in someone, but still don’t allow him to be interested in someone else? What kind of relationship is this? We have seen many people around us who friend zone their friends or don’t like sharing their loved ones with others.
28. Very Apt! That’s a sad reality.
Why do these organizations or restaurants do this to their employees? Their inability to compromise on anything is baffling. Rather than asking their employees to compromise, these companies take precautions and take care of their employees before it’s too late and they simply quit. This situation is bad for both parties. The organization loses its most important asset – Human Asset, and on the other hand, the employee loses his job. At some point, both the manager and the employees have to compromise.
29. True Story!
This reality-based illustration hits hard! After spending a lot of money, time, and effort on graduation or to get a piece of paper – a degree, all you get is an unpaid job with little to no job exposure.
30. At least he’s being honest.
31. Broke-Dance Vs Break-Dance!
Sadly, a talent that isn’t given a platform often goes unrecognized. Talented people deserve the opportunity to perform and demonstrate their abilities in front of an audience of millions. Despite what you may think, money is considered to be very important. If you’re wealthy and well-dressed, becoming famous isn’t a daunting and difficult thing. On the other hand, if you’re broke, the only thing you can do is broke-dance!
32. It’s not wrong to say: Fake it, till you make it.
33. Sometimes, violence solves the issues.
34. Hey Batman, you got the wrong Scarecrow dude!
35. Oops! Sometimes it’s important to say sorry at the right time.
36. Poor Santa!
37. There has been a change in plans.
38. Sick Boy!
39. Procrastinator!
Every procrastinator knows this sad truth all too well. In life, there is no such thing as a second chance. All you have to do is act now rather than delay action until tomorrow. Don’t wait until it’s too late to do what you want in the here and now!
40. You Poor Thing!
41. Stop him before he jumps.
42. That certainly escalated quickly!
All your hopes and dreams have come true. Since it was her dream to appear on television, this girl should be grateful. The only thing she didn’t reveal was where she would like to appear on TV.
43. Thank Heavens! Everyone is safe.
44. That’s it!
45. But that poor soul was enjoying it!
46. Oh, Hi Pikachu!
47. But that’s painful…
48. Wi-Fi, new love!
49. I’m Deaf, Honey!
50. Lastly, this guy had some good last minutes.
Love it? We do too! Because you’ve made it this far, we know you’ve enjoyed these comics. We believe it is our duty to bring our audience the wittiest and most amazing comics. Anyone who enjoys comics based on reality, hilarity, and dark humor will enjoy this collection. Which comic did you like the most? Let us know in the comments section below.