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15 Unexpected Moments From Our Favorite Movies We Didn’t Notice at All

How many times have you seen your favorite Disney movie, starting from when you were a child and continuing until now? If you think you recall every single detail from the movies, you may be mistaken.  Because when making a film, directors make it a point to pay attention to even the smallest details. As a result, it takes a lot of concentration and, at times, a detective’s mind to uncover these hidden nuances in films. It’s because no matter how many times we watch these movies, some scenes and hidden information always slip through our minds.  To give an example, have you ever paid attention to the color palette of the film “Home Alone”? What if we told you there is a connection between the Friends television series and the Spider-Man movie?

We are astounded by the imaginative leaps of these filmmakers and the meticulous attention to detail that they pay to these small details. If you are a movie-lover, you might be wondering what kind of information we are referring to here.  We know you’re eager to learn more about these details, so simply continue reading to see some of the scenes you might have missed when watching your favorite movie.

1. These Home Alone details are worth reading.

Via Home Alone / 20th Century Fox

Claire Reilly, a journalist, noticed an unusual tidbit in the Home Alone movie that she thought was worth mentioning. During the Christmas season, the McCallisters’ home has been overly decked out. And it’s not just with Christmas trees, toys, and tinsel; it’s also with the interior style of the house as well. Throughout the house, the colors red and green dominate, even down to the worktops and cupboards in the kitchen.

The characters’ clothes, as well as the walls, flower pots, furniture, and even the home phone, are all painted in these two colors. There is a strong sense that the movie’s creators wanted to make it as merry and Christmassy as they possibly could. We’re willing to bet you’ve never noticed this before.

2. Another scene from Home Alone!

Via Home Alone / 20th Century Fox

There is one more noteworthy detail in the film that deserves to be mentioned. When the McCallisters first boarded the plane, Kevin’s mother began to worry that they had overlooked something. Do you recall that moment? Mr. McCallister chose to calm his wife down at that point and agreed with her right away, claiming that he had neglected to close the garage door before leaving the house. Later on, we discover that he had in fact forgotten to do so.

3. Some hidden facts in Friends Movie!

Via Spider-Man / Columbia Pictures© Friends / Warner Bros. Television

When Monica had to work at a restaurant in the Friends television series, did you remember that she had to put on artificial breasts and a wig to look like she had real breasts? It’s worth noting that Mary Jane from the Spider-Man movie also worked at the same location.

4. Harry Potter!

Via Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II / Warner Bros. Pictures

Lucius Malfoy has a tattoo on his neck in the final part of Harry Potter. It’s the number he received while he was imprisoned in Azkaban.

5. Reservoir Dogs!

Via Pulp Fiction / Miramax© Reservoir Dogs / Live Entertainment

Waiters are not given tips in the Reservoir Dogs movie, which stars Steve Buscemi as the hero. In the film Pulp Fiction, the actor portrays a waiter who serves Mia Wallace and Vincent Vega.  Director Quentin Tarantino was in charge of both films. That’s the kind of retribution that exists in his fictional world!

6. Hotel Transylvania!

Via Hotel Transylvania 2 / Sony Pictures Animation

One of the episodes from the second season of Hotel Transylvania has a photograph of Mavis and Jonathan taken on their wedding day. However, because Mavis is a vampire, there is simply a silhouette of her in the picture.

7. Have you ever noticed the Director’s name in the movie Back to the future.

Via Back To The Future, Part II / Universal Pictures

The Jaws 19 director, Max Spielberg, is named on the theatre poster for the Back to the Future Part II film. In the film, Spielberg is credited as the director of Jaws 19. That is the name of Steven Spielberg’s kid, who was born the same year as the film was released, and who was named after the film.

8. This scene from Back to the future, where he performed “Power of love”

Via Back To The Future / Universal Pictures

He performed the song “Power of Love” by Huey Lewis and the News to the audition. The character of the man who turned Marty down and said the song was too loud was played by the band’s main man Huey Lewis in the film.

9. How can we forget LALALAND!

Via La La Land / Summit Entertainment

A large section of roadway had to be closed down, and a large group of dancers and understudies had to be recruited for the premiere episode of the La La Land film, which took several months to complete. Close inspection reveals that the roofs and other elements of several cars have been twisted as a result of the multiple rehearsals and shooting sessions.

10. In the Black Panther movie, one side of the spacecraft resembles Black Panther’s mask.

Via  Black Panther / Marvel Studios

During the filming of The Black Panther, the silhouette of one of the ship’s sides appears to be extremely similar to the mask that the main character wears.

11. This scene from Murder on the Orient Express, is a tribute to Leonardo da Vinci’s artwork.

Via  Murder on the Orient Express / 20th Century Fox

The final episode of Murder on the Orient Express is a tribute to the picture The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. As a side note, Michelle Pfeiffer plays the heroine, who is seated in Christ’s place, and she is the reason why all of the other characters are there as well.

12. In Star Wars: The Last Jedi, did you observe gunshot on Skywalker’s mantle’s sleeve?

Via Star Wars. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi / Lucasfilm© Star Wars: The Last Jedi / Lucasfilm

In the 2017 film Star Wars: The Last Jedi, a trace of a gunshot can be seen under Luke Skywalker’s mantle’s sleeve, suggesting that he was shot. And he got it in the 1983 film Return of the Jedi. Amazing!

13. The Godfather’s Don Corleone refused to learn his lines while on the set.

Via  The Godfather / Paramount Pictures

Marlon Brando, who played the character of Don Corleone in The Godfather, refused to learn his lines while on the set. At the time, he had a particularly unpleasant disposition, but because he was so skilled, movie producers continued to seek him out for roles in their productions. A solution around his denial was found by the producers of The Godfather, who taped pieces of paper containing his lines all over the set and onto the bodies of the other actors to get around his objection. Brando was awarded an “Oscar” for his work, but he failed to appear at the ceremony to accept the honor. On Brando’s behalf, an Indian girl (who later turned out to be an actress) came to the platform and blamed Hollywood for the ill-treatment of Indians. She then refused to accept the prestigious prize on his behalf.

14. The director of The Notebook was searching for an ordinary guy.

Via The Notebook / New Line Cinema

According to the director, a sex symbol was not sought after for the role of Noah in The Notebook. As he himself stated, he was not searching for someone who was “handsome and cool, but was just looking for an ordinary guy.” The part was given to a young Ryan Gosling.

15. In truth, the fourth pipe on the Titanic was decorative, therefore there was no smoke to be seen in the film.

Via Titanic / 20th Century Fox

If you look closely, you’ll see that there is no smoke coming from the fourth pipe on the Titanic during the filming. It comes out that the pipe in the original “Titanic” served simply a decorative purpose and that there was no smoke emanating from it. James Cameron did it on purpose.

Which detail caught your eyes the most and left you amused? Let us know in the comments section below. Also, we’d love to hear your thoughts on these details.


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