Parents have it hard.
I think we can all agree that parents have a hard job and no matter how hard they try, they will still make mistakes. From having to stay up all night because your kid is crying to dealing with the teenage hormones of your kid, parenting isn’t a walk in the park. Atleast that is what most people think and I am right there with them. However, that does not mean that they can’t have a little bit of fun when it comes to parenting.
And that is what we are going to focus on today. I am sure we have all gotten tired of Dad jokes, well
these are just relatable tweets that are also surprisingly hilarious. After all, we all need a bit of humour to deal with the daily grind of life. And that cannot be more true for parenting. So if you are in the same boat as these people, you will find that these tweets will put a smile on your face. So if you are ready to have some much-needed humour in your life, just scroll below to take a look and enjoy.
#1 And she will keep reminding her until she gets a phone.
If kids are known for one thing, it is definitely being stubborn.
#2 Gordon Ramsey would not be happy with this.
To be fair, Frozen food does taste really good at times.
#3 This boy is going to grow up to be a politician.
#4 What is she going to do? Give him detention for eating in class?
#5 I am not sure if I am on board with the whole tracking thing.
I understand that parents want their kids to be safe but everyone needs their privacy.
#6 Now that is one way to get what you want.
#7 This is surprisingly true.
I am not even a parent and I do this as well.
#8 That is what he gets for not finding a more creative insult.
#9 You never have a choice in these positions.
#10 He still sounds more educated than people I have seen on Facebook.
#11 He has you there.
I usually do it either because I don’t have the particular console for that game or because I am just not good at it.
#12 They will keep doing it unless you stop the meeting.
#13 Chick nuggies all the way!
#14 The latter reason is the main one.
What are your thoughts on these tweets? Are you a parent? If so, were you able to relate to any of these or are your kids complete angels? Let us know what is the weirdest thing you have ever caught your kid doing in the comments. Don’t worry your secret is safe with you. Do remember to share these tweets with your friend so they can have a laugh as well.