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Wife Turns Off Wifi Because Husband Spends Time In Toilet To Avoid Taking Care Of Kids

Being passive-aggressive is never recommended.

Especially in a relationship if you want it to work out int eh long term. I know it sounds cliche but communication is the key to any sort of relationship. So it is better to talk something out with your partner rather than playing childish games with them. Today we have one such story where both of the parties are missing one integral part of a relationship and that is talking stuff out.

You can never know what the other person wants or is thinking without actually listening to what they are saying. But it seems many people who are married forget this and this ends up ruining their marriage in the long term. This woman however is asking for advice on the Internet whether she is doing the right thing or not.

And as you can imagine, Reddit users had varying opinions on this matter.

Source: Reddit

Some background on what is happening and why.


Okay, so he usually uses the bathroom for longer periods than normal.


But 25 minutes is too long for anyone even if he is sick.


And it seems you are the only one left holding the mantle when he goes on his ‘breaks’.


Your husband is clearly ditching his part of the childcare.


This just goes to show that he is only there to watch youtube.


My ex did. He would casually ignore the baby crying (screaming because she had colic and no amount of soothing helped) and he’d “sleep” through me crying hysterically because I was so tired and severely depressed. Some men can’t be bothered to be dads during the hard stage but come around when it gets easier.

NTA OP. And notice how mine is an ex. Think hard about your relationship and consider if this skipping out on the hard times would make you resent him later in life when the kids become easier to manage.

My resentment festered from doing all the hard work alone and I eventually ended the relationship. I’ve been much better for it. I’m not saying it has to be that way for you, just something to consider because that’s lazy parenting and something unattractive in a partner. He signed up for this, he needs to carry his own weight and be a dad.

Do what you have to do, but if you have to take drastic measures to make him be a man every time he needs to be, you’re with the wrong man. –kittycronic

I would say you are not but you are not completely in the right either.

While she did talk to him before.


I feel like they have to be more open about this issue.

I mean he kind of does deserve it.


Why not just talk to him though?

He isn’t acting like a grown-up.


Exactly what I am saying!

It goes both ways, to be honest.


This is very good advice.

Partners should communicate with each other.


Just ask why he is doing this and why he isn’t helping out.

I wouldn’t agree with this statement though.


And stop acting like a bratty child.

What are your thoughts on this scenario? Do you think the wife is the right to turn off the wifi? Comment down below and let us know.


What do you think?