The story begins with the OP recounting their frequent misidentification as a Walmart employee due to a lanyard they wear to hold their keys. While most encounters were harmless and ended in good humor, one particular incident with an angry lady stood out from the rest.
A woman approached the OP in a furious manner, demanding their assistance in getting motor oil for her car. Despite the OP’s clarifications that they didn’t work at Walmart and the lanyard being unrelated to the store, AL insisted that they obey her commands. An argument ensued, leading to the user running away to avoid further confrontation.
In an unexpected twist, the angry lady, resurfaces in OP’s life, after a year or so this time in the company of an entitled lady (EL), having changed her appearance slightly, follows the OP around the store, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. The situation escalates when EL aggressively confronts the OP in a changing room, demanding an apology for getting AL banned previously.
The situation quickly devolves into chaos, with an Angry lady attempting to attack the OP, leading to the intervention of Walmart associates and the police. This time, the OP decides to press charges against both the angry lady and EL for their destructive behavior.
Keep on scrolling down to read the full story in OP’s own words and we will see you at the end of the article.
1. Lady runs over OP’s foot because she wouldn’t fetch motor oil!
2. OP says that she gets mistaken for working at Walmart a lot because of a lanyard she wears
3. OP just had gotten off work so she was wearing a black shirt with her company logo on it
4. She paid OP’s question no mind!
5. the Angry lady told OP to go get her motor oil
6. OP told her that she doesn’t work here but the angry lady just refused to believe it
7. She grabbed OP’s arm and tried to roll along with her but OP didn’t want to deal with this
8. OP roamed the store a bit to look for stuff she probably didn’t need
9. OP found herself in the crafts aisle
10. OP was staring at some paints when she saw her out of the corner of her eye
11. OP screamed and she was in shock
12. OP said that she’d be lucky if she did not press charges against her
13. An actual employee came jogging around the corner and asked OP if she is okay
14. An angry lady demanded for manager
15. The worker didn’t know what to do
16. The mother of the screaming child from before came to the rescue
17. MH told the angry lady that she doesn’t work even here and the angry lady for some reason still refused to believe it
18. CW ran off looking a little relived
19. An angry lady tried to coot her way out of the store but was blocked by the greeter
20. The manager came and asked if OP wanted police to get involved or if she wanted an ambulance
21. OP didn’t need to go see a doctor
22. This was the best Christmas gift for OP
23. This is what OP said to the people who kept telling her that she should have pressed charge
24. OP says that she wasn’t ready to deal with that kind of crazy that day
25. Always press charges folks
26. OP saw her again! Keep on scrolling down to see what happened next
27. OP gave an update on her injured foot
28. OP says that this was not very recent
29. OP was shopping around when she saw her staring at her and waved
30. OP didn’t know what she wanted from her
31. This time she had another woman with her too
32. They were in the craft aisle where OP was looking for a specific type of paint
33. OP gave a quick nod and started to leave but they kept following her
34. OP sat on the bench and waited to see if she lost them
35. OP just sat in the corner and watched in horror as the door fell to the ground
36. OP says that she probably shouldn’t have said that
37. Thankfully this didn’t last too long
38. The corner of the door cracked the wall to her room!
39. OP pressed charges this time
40. This is the line we all wanted to hear for real!
41. OP didn’t ask for a restraining order but she does know that they will be going to jail
42. OP is just glad that it’s over with and that it didn’t end as badly as it had before
This is it, folks, this was the story let us know what you think about it down below in the comments section, and make sure to like and share this article with your friends and family and stay tuned for more content like this with Defused. Thank You!
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