Cooking is not for everyone.
Some people are just not good at cooking no matter how hard they try while others are blessed with amazing cooking skills. Whatever they cook, tastes delicious. People who are not good at cooking should simply accept the fact that they are not good at cooking and probably should give up on cooking because things can go wrong and you might experience some of the worst kitchen fails. If you don’t know how to cook then you should not cook unless you are cool with cleaning all the mess you are going to make in your kitchen.
To show you that home cooking is not a piece of cake we have collected some hilarious home cooking fail that can make you laugh soo hard. Scroll down look make sure you see all the pictures to the bottom, as you would regret if you miss even one.
#1. This guy took cooking to the next level.
#2. The best Spongebob cake
#3. Could you add more?
#4. He’s made of spinach and is ugly
#5. This egg looks like a bee face when zoomed in
#6. When ran out of cooking chocolate, improvisation makes you melt a chocolate bunny like this
#7. These sweet potatoes have gone through a rough time
#8. This dude’s wife steamed hotdogs and this happened
#9. I cannot tell what is this!?
#10. This meatloaf baby really giving me chills, worried if I will get sleep tonight
#11. Who is even going to marry this girl
#12. Mr. Eggplant and melted knife, what a combo
#13. The middle chicks surrendered and this happened
#14. I have never seen someone this much hopeless
#15. Black Bean Burrito: Are you seeing what am seeing?
#16. Caramel lava for you all
#17. I wanted to make sushi and didn’t know how to, so I figured it out like this
#18. Spaghetti really being on fire
#19. Chicken stock at home; pouring done wrong.
#20. Octopus pie crust talent speaking for itself
Well, one thing that we all have gathered by now is that cooking at home is not everyone’s cup of tea. Some TV shows and chef series while showing scrumptious recipes should also mention trigger warning of ‘Don’t try this at home’ for people like these who make nothing but a disaster out of those recipes. We cannot imagine the stress failed cooking give you. However, failuisre also part of learning.
So let us know, have any major cooking fail every happened to you? Ever dreamed about yummy recipes and ended up crying with what appeared at the end? If you did, don’t forget to tell us in the comment section. Stay active to read more fun content.