
22 Broken Cats Who Forgot How To Cat

As perfect cats normally are, their systems can crash as well.

It is a very well-known fact to the world that cats have always been treated like they were from a royal family, throughout history. And that is precisely why cats have a high status in every house that they live in. A prideful and independent creature. I am sure you guys know that a human never adopts a cat, it is always the cat that adopts the human. The make or break is in the hands of that tiny creature. No one’s got anything on cats.


But it is a very well-known factor that consistency in anything is impossible. And to relate that to cats, they do go crazy at times. Very rare but there are instances where cats tend to fail. And it impacts their ego really badly. So the best advice is to let them be because if you try to mess with them at that exact time, or laugh at their failed asses, the heavy-duty drama will for sure begin. You could refer to it as an anomaly or a glitch that makes the cat experience far more interesting and fun than it ever was.

Scroll down below to enjoy these cat glitches that happen once in a lifetime.

1. “My cat powers up his attacks.”


2. “Oh my god, what’s on my head?!”


3. “Took my indoor cat outside today. I think the grass has broken him down.”


4. Independency so high, doesn’t even need a box to chill in.


5. Hmm, confusion running all ways.


6. Malfunctioning or practicing ballet dance? You be the judge.


7. Caught red-handed planning world domination.

8. “Once I brought a box of catnip home. My cat jumped inside of it and sat there all day long. In the evening, I found him on the balcony like this.”


9. Let. Me. In. This. Universe.

10. I got my treats 3 minutes late so I am legally allowed to take my revenge.


11. “I came out of the bathroom in a shower cap and she didn’t know who I was.”

Well, I don’t wanna ruin or disturb the egos of these cats but this is extremely hilarious. I mean, imagine someone going in to something with full commitment and belief that  you will succeed at the task ahead, and then things go dramatically wrong and you’re just chilling there like, “Shouldn’t have bitten more than I could chew.”

It’s an oopsie for the cats!

12. Hanger 1 : 0 Cat. Very unfortunate.


13. You pushed the wrong button and sent it to space.

14. A cat chasing its dreams in its dream.


15. A gorgeous waterfall…oh no wait, it’s just a cat sleeping.

16. “My silly but cute cat.”


17. When you can’t get mad at anyone so you resort to manual measures.

18. I think all these cats were given a dance class before they were born.


19. When you’re caught off guard.

20. “My cat figured out how the fridge works and now he always drinks cold, fresh water.”


21. “This is Pixar. She seems to know when I’m down and does something silly to make me laugh.”

22. “This is Makoli. He’s… different.”


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